View Full Version : Do you experiance this?

21-09-07, 10:35
Hi i have struggled with Health anxiety for just over a year, for the past month or so However I seem to of broken the cycle IE worryied sick about my heart for a month then throat goes tight and worry about that for a month then wierd head things and worry about that for a month, I have finaly found a way to dispell and not worry about every twinge I get BUT.

BUT I get this thing.....

When you 1st wake up or when u are up later then useal your body lets you know your tired right? IE wobbly legs, sore eyes, slightly light headed and so on, Now for the last month I have been in this zone constantly, I read other peoples posts and when they are not worrying they make no mention of this phase, im not worryied about it and am sure its under lying anxiety and the longer I stay as I am the less I'll have this as im effectivly breaking a year long habbit of thinking and acting, Of course when your realy bad your depressed and we all know that last's for ages so its only logical that the tired all the time and associated symptoms are the last to leave as they are the underlying habit i think?

Anyhow so to those who are having a good time with the daily fight do you also get this? or when your good are you as normal as before?


21-09-07, 16:31
Anybody? even a no responce would do?

21-09-07, 17:10
Hello Stef

I've been struggling with health anxiety aswell but only for the last 4 months have i been worrying about every thing and i feel as if i stop worrying i start i haven't yet found the way of thinking to stop the cycle.

but anyways most nights after i get home from work i do get wobbly legs and headache and quite light headed after resting for a bit seems to go away

hope this helps
