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10-08-19, 01:55
I don’t think I’ve ever been this anxious, depressed and suicidal in my life.

For two months now I’ve been feeling dizzy, not like the room is spinning but dissociated, like I’m always woozy, just slightly off and can’t snap back to normal.

Two weeks ago I was on the couch watching a movie and I felt this vibration in my head, like someone was rattling my brain, and my face felt numb and I almost thought I would pass out.

Since then I’ve add these "flares" when my constant dizziness gets more intense and my brain vibrates and my face feels numb. It gives me a panic attack every time and when it calms down I’m left with this dizziness that just never goes away.

I’ve had blood tests, an ECG and neurological exams and everything was fine. Doctors say my dizziness is from constant panic attacks and anxiety. I have a very hard time believing that anxiety can bring on such heavy and constant symptoms.

I just don’t see an end to this dizziness and panic. I feel terrible physically and mentally. I don’t have hope that this will ever go away. Doctor gave me Zoloft and Ativan but advised against taking too much Ativan. I’m constantly panicking over these symptoms and have a hard time going out or talking about anything else. I wish I’d die in my sleep.

My therapist, doctor and family all say it’s anxiety and I feel very alone. I have managed to have an appointment for an MRI of my brain in 4 days. I’m sure they’ll find something like MS and frankly I almost hope they do so I can maybe treat the symptoms. If my brain is clear I just don’t know what I’ll do. Everyone is tired of me and I feel powerless. I feel like disapppearing.

10-08-19, 02:21
I would first like to say that I completely sympathize with you. I am very sorry for what you are going through, it sounds very difficult. But please know that you are not alone. It is actually a good thing that the doctors have found nothing. It points to the cause being nothing sinister, anxiety like they say. At the beginning of the year I was in the same exact boat as you and let me explain how. I developed a double ear infection and unbeknownst to me caused severe dizziness. In couldn't walk in a straight line. Even when i could everything was woozy and my head didn’t feel right. I always felt out of it like I wasn’t connected to the world. I had three separate trips to the ER. Every time in tears because I felt like my life was falling apart. I was struggling at work, missing time to see my doctor. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I had a ct scan of my sinuses and ears, a ton of blood work and a full neuro work up. NOTHING. Then I requested an MRI. I was so convinced I had a tumor or MS. The MRI came up totally clear. There was nothing on any scan like I thought there would be. I started to take medicine for my anxiety and depression and was given Ativan for my panic attacks. After a few months the dizziness went away. I found out it was worsened by my anxiety. And it actually started in the first place because of those simple ear infections. But let me tell you I was so miserable and depressed. I know how you fell. Please, it will get better. And when the MRI shows nothing maybe starting to treat your underlying mental illness will help more than anything. You’ll be okay!!
You got this

10-08-19, 03:00
Hi Jess,

thank you for taking the time to read and answer. It is very kind.

The thing is that I can’t pinpoint anything that started the dizziness. It just appeared one morning. Full disclosure it was during a time when I panicked daily and just learned that I’ll be a father.

it just seems to get worse and I’m super anxious about my MRI results. I’m scared I’ll always be like this.

11-08-19, 17:31
Anybody else have anything to help?

Yesterday evening my anxiety melted away for a few hours and it was like a breath of air after drowning. Even the dizziness was a bit better. Maybe because I wasn’t so anxious about it. I went to sleep with a positive mind.

today dizziness and anxiety are back like always. Evenings are always better for some reason. I even have a twitch in my arm. I’m sure I’ll never get better.

11-08-19, 17:34
Yesterday evening my anxiety melted away for a few hours and it was like a breath of air after drowning. Even the dizziness was a bit better. Maybe because I wasn’t so anxious about it. I went to sleep with a positive mind.

There's your answer. Treat the root of the problem and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

11-08-19, 17:49
I’m so scared of my MRI results. I’ve been worrying obsessively about this moment for months.

Can anxiety alone wreak havoc on the nervous system in such a big way?

11-08-19, 18:00
Can anxiety alone wreak havoc on the nervous system in such a big way?


Positive thoughts

13-08-19, 22:34
Had my brain MRI today but they did it without contrast. Will this still show MS lesions?

14-08-19, 17:55
I have the constant dizziness too. It never leaves. I have had to accept that it is anxiety causing it, and that it will take a a while for it to go away. As long as I stay panicked and anxious it will stay. Accepting that it is anxiety and not thinking its some sinister illness will be the first part in beginning recovery. Living in fear and worry will only add to your panic. At some point, with all your negative test results, you will have to begin to accept that it is anxiety. It is very hard to live this way and takes a strong person to deal with always being dizzy. Look how strong you have been in light of feeling so unwell. There are many ways to begin recovery from anxiety. It is a fear based behavior that we have learned over time. Our bodies are now in extreme over stimulation, hence all the symptoms making us feel this way. Fear fuels the symptoms and keeps them going. It is within you to heal, but you must first accept that it is anxiety and then learn about anxiety and commit fully to understanding it, and applying the strategies to begin the process of managing it and accepting that it is a process with no timeline.

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14-08-19, 19:06
I feel like my brain MRI results will be a turning point. If it’s negative I’ll have to accept it and not second-guess my doctor and think that she should have asked for this or that and that something was missed. When you start second-guessing the doctors it just never ends.

Anxiety and panic on a high level can really cause constant physical symptoms?

14-08-19, 19:35
Anxiety and panic on a high level can really cause constant physical symptoms?

Please read THIS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms).

Positive thoughts

14-08-19, 22:26
Yeah this is interesting indeed but I mean MONTHS of dizziness?

I usually eat a bowl of cereals around 11AM and then nothing until 6PM when I’ll eat a small meal like frozen dinner or whatever. Then I’ll eat a cereal bar or something like that around 11PM.

Could this be aggravating my ill feeling that I’m not eating normally? I haven’t eaten properly and regurlarly since the end of May. I’m also constantly and I mean constantly worrying about my dizziness, analyzing how much I’m dizzy and having thoughts like "I will always be dizzy and this will turn chronic from either actual disease or anxiety. Doctors won’t know what to do and I will remain ill feeling forever."

Everybody tells me it would go away if I ate properly and conquered anxiety for a few weeks, enough to let my system heal. It’s a vicious cycle of anxiety causing more dizziness then more panic than more dizziness.

I have a bad feeling about that brain MRI. Sometimes my head becomes pressurized and it feels like I’ll faint.

14-08-19, 23:25
You've been posting here since the beginning of June which coincides with your symptoms and anxiety. Couple that with crap eating habits and here you are :shrug: Respectfully, use some common sense and listen to what people are telling you.

Positive thoughts

15-08-19, 02:32
I would like to use common sense but common sense seems to tell me that it’s abnormal to feel dizzy/lightheaded for months. I’ve suffered from anxiety my whole life and have never experienced symptoms that lasted outside of actual panic episodes. Seems like I now get rushes in my head like I’m going to faint and even fast camera movements on TV hurt my head and I feel like I need to squint. Also makes me dizzy.

I was talking to somebody this evening and it felt like my peripheral vision was blurry and that I couldn’t make my eyes focus on the person. A version of tunnel vision or derealization?

I can’t wait for my MRI results. Hopefully then I can rule out brain problems or maybe I’ll find something to second guess about the diagnostic procedure. *sigh*

Tell me this dizziness and derealization will end. Even if it’s MS let’s hope the treatment takes away the dizziness. I’m going nuts. Really don’t know how long I can go on feeling like this.

15-08-19, 04:57
You're barely eating, of course you're feeling dizzy!

15-08-19, 18:51
You're barely eating, of course you're feeling dizzy!

Yup, classic blood sugar issue symptoms.

15-08-19, 19:39
But my blood sugar test was good.

you mean daily blood sugar?

16-08-19, 02:44
Seems like when I'm really focused on something the dizziness is less.

Even Ativan somehow seems to calm it just a bit. It doesn't go away but it's less.

16-08-19, 03:11
Seems like when I'm really focused on something the dizziness is less.

Even Ativan somehow seems to calm it just a bit. It doesn't go away but it's less.

Definitive proof it's mental, not physical. Treat the real problem and you treat the symptoms it causes.

Positive thoughts

16-08-19, 03:58
Probably anxiety, but it could be blood sugar issues. I know when I eat too many carbs without the required amount of fiber and fat with it, I get dizzy, anxious, bathroom urgency, then weak and shaky. Try as I might, I could never get my blood sugar test kit to show a drastic rise or fall and for a while I was testing almost every hour. Doctor said I could still be having issues even though I wasn't able to capture it in the blood tests. When your body has too much sugar/carbs, your body produces insulin to bring it down, and I think that's what get my panic and anxiety and bowels going. Then when it crashes again, I'm weak and shaky. In my case, apparently my levels go up too fast and back down too fast, rather than gradually, but by the time I feel the symptoms and check my blood, it reads "normal".

Anyway, might not be your case, but if I were eating what you described, I'd be feeling really badly.

17-08-19, 15:22
Thank you for writing. I appreciate it.

Still no MRI results this week. Let’s hope no news is good news? If I had MS would they call in the same week?

Sometimes laying down with eyes closed I have a feeling like I’m falling. Even if I eat better it’s still there.

I’ve been having high anxiety since April and persistent physical symptoms since June. Months of anxiety. Constant.

17-08-19, 17:55
When are you due to become a dad, Seymour?

17-08-19, 22:25
When are you due to become a dad, Seymour?

December 21.

Today was awful. I get these "flares" of dizziness/derealization that are making me crazy. My legs feel weak and I’m tired all the time. I’m so anxious about this dizzy spaced-out feeling that I haven’t had a moment’s peace in months. Not even a minute without thinking of dizziness or MS.

I don’t see an end to this horrible feeling. I feel like I have severe anemia or blood cancer if it’s not MS. Also I don’t have my results yet but they only scanned my brain and I’ve read that MS can be only in the spine. Surely dizziness caused by MS would start from the cerebellum? Spine lesions would cause other symptoms.

I don’t see an end to this. The only relief I get is from Ativan and I’ve been taking it for two weeks 0,5 mg a day and skipped a few days. I can’t take this long term as it is habit forming.

I’m cold and I shiver. I feel like I’d be better off dead. This will never go away.

18-08-19, 08:52
So you are already speculating as to what other disease you could have if it turns out that you don't have MS.

My son had a virus attacking the cerebellum and his symptoms were devastating in terms of mobility (or lack of). A simple full blood count would flag up any blood disorders.

You've skipped a few days of Ativan which is probably causing you to feel ghastly now You are right-these tablets cause more problems when taken long term.

Your baby wants to meet his or her dad. Have a goal that by the time he or she arrives you will be feeling stronger mentally and physically whatever you are or aren't diagnosed with?

18-08-19, 18:17
This is my goal but it just never ends. Anxiety causing symptoms or symptoms causing anxiety? I feel terrible.

If my brain is clear maybe lesions are in spinal cord only or too small to see?

18-08-19, 19:39
Maybe this maybe that.....Where did you study for your medical degree?

18-08-19, 20:40
It’s terrible I always feel dizzy and like I’m walking around all drugged up. Even when I don’t take any medication. I see people online who stay dizzy without knowing why for years. Why is this happening to me?

18-08-19, 20:42
Something to ask the consultant when you get your scan results?

18-08-19, 22:07
And if the scan turns out ok?

18-08-19, 22:09
And if the scan turns out ok?

Then treat the real illness.

Positive thoughts

18-08-19, 23:30
I mean chemically how can anxiety cause dizziness and derealization on a constant basis? I would think that it would stop when I’m calmer. I’m used to the symptoms but not chronically. I swear when I’m talking to somebody it’s like I can’t make my eyes focus on them. I feel sedated.

I know anxiety makes the dizziness worse cause the more I panic the shittier I feel. What should I do? Just push on through the dizziness and hope it will go away?

Is is it possible that I never become normal again??

19-08-19, 08:27
I would wait for your scan results and if nothing is found then I would suggest that you focus everything on treating your anxiety disorder either professionally or through self-help techniques. I push on through all my symptoms and attempt to push them into the background. I don't analyse them.

As for feeling normal again, that's up to you and your response and reaction to symptoms which have no medical pathology.

19-08-19, 08:39
One thing I find can help is to stop thinking of these things as symptoms and start thinking of them as sensations - it's a really good way of re-framing.

19-08-19, 08:50
One thing I find can help is to stop thinking of these things as symptoms and start thinking of them as sensations - it's a really good way of re-framing.

I agree, BI. "Sensations" are more acceptable than "symptoms" which suggest physical illness.

19-08-19, 09:00
This is it - you can have sensations like dizziness and tingling without anything being really wrong.

19-08-19, 13:23
Just jumping into this thread as what I experience sounds almost identical to the OP. Head Pressure / Brain Fog / Dizziness and derealisation when in certain environments, particularly where it is very busy. I like football and went to match over the weekend which caused me to feel horrific head pressure / dizziness, it is hard to describe but I felt very 'out of it' and experience head rushes and vertigo. Like others have had MRI / seen doctors who found nothing physically wrong - have tried various meds but nothing seems to work. I sometimes think maybe I have agrophobia or just cannot tolerate being around other people to too long, if someone is talking to me and giving a lot of details etc. I find it near unbearable and have to get away from them.

19-08-19, 18:26

got a clean MRI result. No lesion of any kind in white or grey matter, nothing abnormal.

I’m completely baffled. I was sure I had MS. I’ve been living with this thought for months. I was convinced 100%.

I asked if it could be MS still but only in spinal cord and she sighed in disbelief that I was even asking that. She said to ask the neurologist if I see one but that it would already be very rare to have AS and MS together but to have a rare presentation of MS on top of that would be like getting struck by lightning.

So I’m happy but still wondering if I should stop my arthritis medication that I read can give MS (Enbrel). for a few weeks to see if my dizziness will improve. Maybe my body is sending warning signals and I should listen to it?

I do have hearing loss and tinnitus in my left ear so I can’t completely rule out vestibular problems.

I’m happy but at a loss as to what caused the neuro-type symptoms and dizziness. It’s like I don’t fully believe I don’t have MS as I’ve been living with this certainty for months. I read it could be only in spinal cord in rare cases...

19-08-19, 18:29
Ok... time to treat the real issue ;)

Positive thoughts

19-08-19, 19:22
I get exactly what you are describing. Its happened to me a few times over the years and lasts for several weeks before going away. All but twice, it came after I was on some type of travel (plane, long car trip) but the other 2 times it was after a camping trip and a theme park ride. It feels like I'm walking around on a bounce house or a boat, I get pressure in my ears and head and just feel so fatigued. The only thing that seems to help is riding in the car or laying down/sleeping. I saw my primary Dr. and an ENT and never could find a real reason for it. I don't know if its from anxiety or what but it has kept me from doing any more boat or air travel for fear it'll come back.

19-08-19, 19:43
Ok... time to treat the real issue ;)

Positive thoughts

But I’ve seen cases where it eludes doctors cause it’s only in the spine...

19-08-19, 20:28
But I’ve seen cases where it eludes doctors cause it’s only in the spine...

The darkside is strong is this one Obi Wan....


Positive thoughts

19-08-19, 20:36
But I’ve seen cases where it eludes doctors cause it’s only in the spine...

So where have you "seen" these cases...At medical school?

You've had very good news today but you're not convinced. You know better than the consultant who has interpreted the scan.

19-08-19, 21:45
So where have you "seen" these cases...At medical school?

You've had very good news today but you're not convinced. You know better than the consultant who has interpreted the scan.

People on Google. I’ve read that MS can be hard to diagnose because sometimes scans are clear but what are the odds really....

I still feel like I’ll pass out and I go into derealization and dizziness to the point where I feel like my vision is going to go.

I’ve had two full blood workups, an ECG and brain MRI, all clear. I can’t believe it’s only anxiety. I was convinced it was MS for more than two months. Now I’m left feeling completely clueless.

Do you guys think I could have some internal bleeding somewhere that could cause the sensation?

19-08-19, 21:47
I think you need to work on your anxiety and learn to get your mind off thus.

19-08-19, 21:51
If you're so convinced, why are you posting on an anxiety website?

Positive thoughts

19-08-19, 21:53
It’s crazy that after a clear brain MRI I’m not letting go of MS and am still trying to find some rare possibility that could corroborate my theory. The doctor kept repeating "You don’t have MS. Stop thinking about MS."

She’s sending me to a neurologist so I can be reassured by a specialist but I probably shouldn’t pursue that path of reassurance seeking.

I just want all this to go away.

19-08-19, 21:55
If you're so convinced, why are you posting on an anxiety website?

Positive thoughts

Because I feel extremely anxious.

19-08-19, 22:25
Because I feel extremely anxious.

Predictable answer BUT.... Is it because you KNOW deep down you're suffering from a mental illness as opposed to a physical one? Having seen this pattern ad nauseum over the years, I can predict what you're going to say and it will be a "what if?" or "yeah but" or a variation thereof.... :whistles:

Go see your GP. Ask about meds and a referral to therapy. Good luck and as always....

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 01:20
You will see a specialist and another specialist and ANOTHER.
Until you treat the underlying problem, health anxiety/ocd, this will never end.
You are honestly bringing on a lot of the symptoms because of your anxiety and worry, there is honestly nothing more we can tell you. Clean tests, a brain MRI for gosh sakes that came back beautiful. What more do you need?

20-08-19, 02:04
I read that sometimes there are no lesions even if you have the disease and I’m clinging to that. I guess it would be very rare...

My rheumatologist has ruled out MS but from what I’ve read a MRI isn’t enough to rule it out 100%...

She says dizziness isn’t even a frequent MS symptom compared to a lot of other things.

I don’t know why I’m obsessed with MS.

20-08-19, 08:22
At least you admit that you are obsessed with MS.

Are you frightened about becoming a father? Do you think you will be unable to cope as a new dad if you get a sinister diagnosis?

20-08-19, 16:22
Yes I’m scared of becoming a father and I feel like I need to be in good mental and physical shape to undertake this.

Right now I’m dizzy with weak legs and derealization all day and I see no end to this. The panic heightens the symptoms but the symptoms bring on the panic. I feel like I need a miracle.

My family and friends are burned out with me as I feel like I have a medical problem causing the dizziness and they feel like it’s mental and caused by anxiety. I think killing myself would be the best option.

20-08-19, 16:24
In that case, you need to contact a crisis line.

20-08-19, 17:53
It's perfectly normal to feel terrified at the prospect of parenthood, Seymour.

I was terrified myself but have managed to bring up 2 children despite having a lifelong anxiety disorder with "added extras". You will be a great Dad. Please get help for your anxiety? You had a clean scan yesterday-many people would envy you that piece of news. Today you are spiralling because you were banking on getting an MS diagnosis and now you have been left in limbo because you just can't accept that anxiety can cause these frightening and puzzling symptoms/sensations but take it from me that they can and do. You just learn from grim experience and carry on..as you will do.

20-08-19, 18:41
You are right pulisa.

When I heard the news that my MRI was clear I had a panic attack. I would have thought that I’d be ecstatic but I’ve had a terrible day. All I could think about was "What if it’s too early in the disease to show on scans? What if I’m in the 5% that only have it in the spine?" I cannot accept that MS is ruled out because of my physical symptoms and because of those rare occurrences.

I had a major panic attack this morning. Mornings are usually the worst and I get better through the day. Ativan is my miracle drug but I’m hooked on them now. I didn’t take one yesterday and had severe derealization while outside shopping for a new car. It’s sad that I’m hooked on them but once they make the anxiety melt I’m 50% better. I’m losing the mental battle.

It’s a dizziness where nothing moves. I’m just feeling faint and off. If I make head rolls with my neck I’ll be super dizzy for a few seconds so maybe it has to do with the inner ear? I’ve looked online and discovered a FB group of people with vestibular neuritis with symptoms like mine lasting for months and heightened by anxiety.

They advise to go outside and do stuff the more you can so your brain can habituate just like with anxiety.

It’s hard to just move on through feeling like sh** and just have faith that it’ll get better in time. All I feel like doing is staying home, popping pills and sleeping through life.

As far as my doctors are concerned MS is ruled out by my perfect scan but somehow I can’t let go of the idea that I’m one of those hard to diagnose cases. My rheumatologist says if my dizziness was caused by lesions it would show and now she is sending me to a neurologist colleague cause I seemed skeptical. It just never ends.

Can someone please give me advice on how to tackle this? You guys are exceptional.

20-08-19, 19:29
Can someone please give me advice on how to tackle this?

There is a FREE CBT (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) course here but just based on your posts, I don't think you're in the right state of mind to seriously undertake it. I would seriously look into real life professional help (https://cmha.ca). You need your anxiety treated, weaned off the benzos and held accountable for your actions and progress and sadly, that's not going to happen here.

You owe it to yourself and your family.

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 19:35
This may not be a popular suggestion but it's mine and it's only what "I" would do / did do. When my anxiety became unbearable leaving me unable to function (and I had 2 small children at the time) my doctor relentlessly urged me to try an anti-depressant and tranquilizers to get the anxiety under control. He kept explaining that I needed to give my nerves a break and some rest rather than keeping them in a constant state of agitation. I finally agreed, and it saved my life. If the meds work, use them for a while.... you need to get control over this. While you're in this anxious state, you can't possibly learn the coping and healing skills needed.

Just my 2 cents.

20-08-19, 19:40
Looks like me and Fishman were typing at the same time, but with somewhat conflicting advice. Take what you need and leave the rest, this is your life and your path needs to be your decision.

20-08-19, 19:41
Ativan is a false friend but the fact that it helps you is a big clue. You are not experiencing vertigo. Stiff neck muscles caused by tension will provoke dizziness if you exercise your neck/look up. You are shopping for a new car? You must have some hope for the future? I don't think your partner would be too happy if you opt out and sleep through life.

See the neurologist but be prepared to accept whatever he/she says without reservation? In order to "move on through" you need acceptance and gratitude that you are physically well.

20-08-19, 20:01
Hey pulisa what do you mean by the vertigo and neck comment?

20-08-19, 20:04
Looks like me and Fishman were typing at the same time, but with somewhat conflicting advice.

Not really Sue. I do agree that meds would be beneficial but the issue with benzos, as Seymour said, is that they're addictive. Short term, they can be beneficial but if you get hooked, the withdraw can be rough. A conversation with a GP would be beneficial in this case. You're correct in that Seymour could use a mental break and from my own personal experience with SSRIs, they were the crutch I needed to tackle the mental issues I was dealing with after my illnesses. I was prescribed a benzo while my wife was ill and they did help tremendously but I also was very careful as to when I used them. I was also only given a set amount as to lessen the chance of dependency.

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 20:35
Hey pulisa what do you mean by the vertigo and neck comment?

True vertigo is extreme and you get the sensation that the room is spinning constantly. You don't just feel "off" and mildly off balance. You often vomit with it as well.

Tension in your neck muscles due to anxiety can constrict blood supply making you feel dizzy when you look up/look side to side etc. It's a benign thing

20-08-19, 20:46
I feel dizzy and "off" all the time regardless of movements.

I also get twitches all over the place.

20-08-19, 20:47
Honestly if you guys had a clear brain MRI would you feel satisfied or would you pursue further testing like lumbar puncture?

20-08-19, 20:51
You would be amazed at how many physical symptoms are caused by anxiety, and I'm 99% confident that your issues are anxiety, not physical. Yes, I would trust the clear brain MRI and focus on getting the anxiety under control. I know it feels as if this would be easier to deal with if it were a physical problem, but try to focus on how lucky you are that it is NOT because anxiety IS curable.

20-08-19, 20:52
Honestly if you guys had a clear brain MRI would you feel satisfied or would you pursue further testing like lumbar puncture?

As a two time heart attack, triple bypass, stents and Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer survivor, I would have been celebrating with ONE clear scan!

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 20:57
I would agree to have tests based on clinical need. This would be decided by a consultant not by Dr google.

20-08-19, 21:02
A lumbar puncture is an invasive procedure not without its risks.

20-08-19, 21:59
What I mean is would it be enough to rule out MS in your heads even if you know that you didn’t have the full workup?

20-08-19, 22:09
What I mean is would it be enough to rule out MS in your heads even if you know that you didn’t have the full workup?

Awww dude..... Please seek professional help. In light of a child coming, clear test results and your family's reaction, you really need to get your shit together!

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 22:28
I just need to know that other people would be satisfied with just the brain MRI

20-08-19, 22:36
I just need to know that other people would be satisfied with just the brain MRI

Here's a bone.... IN A HEARTBEAT! Please seek professional help!!

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 23:08
I’m already under therapy but it doesn’t work. I’m too anxious and I’m caught up on waiting for sensations to disappear as they give me anxiety. I don’t know how to feel better. I should probably stop waiting for a fast cure and obsessing over a disease I most likely don’t have.

20-08-19, 23:17
I’m already under therapy but it doesn’t work. I’m too anxious and I’m caught up on waiting for sensations to disappear as they give me anxiety. I don’t know how to feel better. I should probably stop waiting for a fast cure and obsessing over a disease I most likely don’t have.

And you're looking to feed your dragon with reassurance...:shrug:

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

20-08-19, 23:35
I’m truly sorry for being the way I am. I need to know what people here would do in my shoes.

20-08-19, 23:36
Glad to hear the brain MRI would satisfy you Fishman. I need the perspective.

20-08-19, 23:52
Glad to hear the brain MRI would satisfy you Fishman. I need the perspective.

I had a cardiologist look at test results and tell me I needed a bypass after my first heart attack (and I died in the ER and had to be brought back). I had another cardiologist say I needed stents after my 2nd heart attack and test results. I had an ENT tell me I had cancer BEFORE I had tests done based on his experience. Perspective? More like a slap upside the head! You've been given permission to pass GO and collect $200 dollars! :lac:

Positive thoughts

21-08-19, 00:02
I guess I should view it as such.

Sadly I’m cursed with the knowledge that in rare cases the brain MRI isn’t enough.

21-08-19, 00:51
I guess I should view it as such.

Sadly I’m cursed with the knowledge that in rare cases the brain MRI isn’t enough.

In rare cases HA sufferers will believe the result of a 'snapshot' test.

In even rarer cases be convincingly reassured by strangers on a forum :lac:

21-08-19, 02:13
So I should stop thinking that they did the scan too early or that lesions are in spine only?

21-08-19, 05:19
Waste of time?

I’m sorry you’re feeling that way but I understand.

Thanks for taking the time to help me.

21-08-19, 05:42
You don't have MS. You need to focus on wrangling your anxiety. It's natural that imminent fatherhood has brought it to the surface, but it's also a sign that you need to work on it properly.

21-08-19, 08:32
You will have every chance to indulge your HA when you see the neurologist and you can ask him/her all the questions you are asking on here but you will have to accept his/her professional opinion and not come away doubting his diagnosis and desperately seeking further medical investigations which are unhelpful and just prolong the torment.

21-08-19, 12:33

it’s just that I’m still feeling ill, dizzy with weak legs and tingling so it’s hard to forget about it.

21-08-19, 13:47
No one is asking you to forget about it. Just acknowledge the sensations and don't react to them with panic. Just let them happen without catastrophising about the reason/potential sinister diagnosis. Let the professionals decide how to treat you and no matter how much you think you know better, you don't because your thinking is dictated by HA.

21-08-19, 20:05
My therapist and GP think I should NOT go see a neurologist as I’m risking opening a Pandora’s box of new worries and anxiety if he/she says one little thing that I’ll interpret the wrong way.

21-08-19, 20:30
Of course you will but can you resist the opportunity to see a neuro and lay yourself open to further tests which will only encourage panic/speculation? And which won't help your anxiety.

21-08-19, 20:37
Of course you will but can you resist the opportunity to see a neuro and lay yourself open to further tests which will only encourage panic/speculation? And which won't help your anxiety.

I actually spoke to an MRI tech who said "If you're dizziness was from the brain you'd have lesions. No question about it. Spine lesions would affect your limbs in significant ways. You don't have MS and don't need further testing."

I think it's true that if the neuro says "Well you'd have like a 2% chance of this or that" I'd jump on it. He would think it's reassuring but it would feed my dragon. I should probably stay away from a neuro office.

21-08-19, 20:44
I should probably stay away from a neuro office.

Agreed. But will you do it?

21-08-19, 20:54
It would be huge progress if you took control of this situation and declined the opportunity of a neuro consultation.

21-08-19, 23:11
I fear a neuro consultation would actually scare me more.

But I had water-like sensations on skin and I have fasciculations that come and go and tired legs that come and go so would it be wise to decline neuro expertise?

22-08-19, 01:27
I have everything you just listed.
I have had a brain MRI thinking I had MS
and you know what I have?
My sensations have diminished almost entirely

22-08-19, 02:27
Do you have the dizziness too?

Also did you have a spinal MRI?

22-08-19, 07:29

22-08-19, 08:12
Great post, Snowy.

The key is to live alongside the symptoms without doing anything that would give them importance or significance..

22-08-19, 16:29
Thank you Snowy I needed the hope.

I have developed a severe obsession over MS that won’t go away even after a clear brain MRI. Getting caught up in "But what if’s" and "yes but’s". I’m so anxious over it that I wake up in full panic attack every morning. I threw up so much this morning that I actually irritated my throat and had a little speck of red blood come out.

I’m too stupid and stubborn to accept that the derealization, dizziness, weak limbs and tingly sensations all come from extreme and constant anxiety. Even though I have read about it everywhere and from everyone and got a clean brain MRI. I’m still asking "But what if my lesions didn’t appear yet?" I don’t even think it makes medical sense.

I guess I should accept it. Any tips on accepting a clean bill of health? Sounds stupid I know....

22-08-19, 17:54
Are you mentally ready to accept a clean bill of health though because all the indications are that you're not? It's as if you're grudgingly accepting the scan result but would actually prefer to have a tangible diagnosis to chew over?

22-08-19, 18:33
I feel so bad it’s like I have severe anemia. Like my vision will go and I will faint.

that’s why it’s hard to accept there is nothing.

22-08-19, 18:48
I also get very bad when there is people around. It’s almost like I get tunnel vision but not quite. Nauseous, wobbly and feeling overall miserable. This is not a life.

22-08-19, 19:05
Sounds like panic to me, since it gets worse when people are about. Pretty sure MS doesn't do that. One of my closest friends has MS, and while I'm not an expert, your symptoms sound nothing like hers. They do sound very similar to the panic symptoms I used to get, and I truly thought I was going to faint. Never did though, at least not from that.

22-08-19, 19:07
Are you mentally ready to accept a clean bill of health though because all the indications are that you're not? It's as if you're grudgingly accepting the scan result but would actually prefer to have a tangible diagnosis to chew over?

I was just thinking the same thing: it sounds like he NEEDS this obsession - possibly avoiding something else that is really bothering or worrying him? It's easier to channel all the energies on this topic so that you don't need to address what's really bothering you. I remember that practice all too well.

Seymour, if taking tranquilizers for a few days helps improve your physical symptoms, isn't that proof that this is not a physical condition causing this?

22-08-19, 19:25
So when challenged you have responded with a list of your symptoms...Doesn't sound as if you're ready to move on from HA yet.

22-08-19, 23:46
Hello everybody

Sue, taking Ativan improves the anxiety and makes the symptoms more tolerable but it didn’t improve the symptoms themselves. I just cared less about them.

I came back from my GP and she says absolutely no more Ativan, that I’ll be hooked and studies show that it’s bad for the brain in the long term. So my miracle pill is off the table.

She’s upping my Zoloft from 50mg to 150 mg over a few weeks and adding risperdal 0,25 mg in the morning and 0,50 at night to help with obsessive thoughts. She’s also sending me for psychiatric evaluation. So I’m taking steps.

You know guys, I’m not crazy. I know anxiety plays a big part in why I’m unable to function. Someone else without anxiety would push through life feeling like crap and hoping it would go away soon. I’m not in denial over my anxiety.

I have a disease called ankylosing spondylitis and I spent two years trying to convince my GP I was in pain and she just gave me more anxiety pills. Then when I saw a rheumatologist after begging for it she diagnosed me in minutes. I have a very bad experience with feeling like crap and being told it’s anxiety. We know our bodies.

Now maybe this time I’m wrong and obsessing over something that doesn’t exist. Where does that leave me? Unable to curb my anxiety, dizzy, derealized, fatigued all the time, with weak achy legs and a broken mind. I can’t pursue further medical testing even though I barely scratched the surface because my family and therapist are fed up with me and it would angry them if I tried to find answers.

so that’s it? I just accept after one MRI that all my symptoms come from the mind? Just like my arthritis came from my mind? Trust me guys it’s HELL being me right now. I truly wish I could vanish and be magically forgotten by everyone.

There are so many causes of chronic dizziness and all my symptoms that I don’t know how to just say it’s anxiety and truly believe it even though I know I could be wrong.

But I hope Snowy is right, that it will pass one day. I can’t see myself staying dizzy and derealized a lot longer. It’s not a life.

23-08-19, 00:18
I came back from my GP and she says absolutely no more Ativan, that I’ll be hooked and studies show that it’s bad for the brain in the long term. So my miracle pill is off the table.

She’s upping my Zoloft from 50mg to 150 mg over a few weeks and adding risperdal 0,25 mg in the morning and 0,50 at night to help with obsessive thoughts. She’s also sending me for psychiatric evaluation. So I’m taking steps.


Positive thoughts

23-08-19, 08:23
I'm puzzled as to how a rheumatologist could diagnose ankylosing spondylitis in "minutes" but I understand that you don't trust an anxiety diagnosis.

I hope the increased meds and added risperidone bring you some small relief from your torment. See what the psych suggests? At least you are being taken seriously in terms of your distress and are not just being dismissed as a "worrier".

23-08-19, 16:16
I hope this dizziness and derealization goes away soon because every day I grow more and more anxious and tired and my body and mind have reached the breaking point. I don’t see an end to this crippling anxiety and I have lost hope that I will ever get better. Everyone tells me I should just "push through". That I should try to live with all these physical sensations until it gets better. I have been anxious in the past but never experienced constant dizziness and derealization. I’m scared that if I accept that it’s just anxiety I’ll miss a diagnosis that could cure my symptoms.

26-08-19, 20:56
Someone told me I need to do a spinal MRI too to absolutely rule out MS.... I don’t have motor problems so I don’t think I have spinal lesions but does anybody have any knowledge about that?

26-08-19, 22:35
I know how this looks but believe me I’ve had anxiety all my life and I’ve never even been CLOSE to what I’m feeling now in terms of derealization. It feels like I’m high on pot!

28-08-19, 16:52
Anybody ever had sore, tired and weak legs? Mine started hurting out of the blue two days ago and they feel super sore but numb at the same time like I’m walking on cotton. When I bend down they shake. And I get lots of fasciculations and twitches in them.

combined with my dizziness I’m sure I have MS or ALS or some spinal lesion. Can anybody reassure me? ☹️

My doctor is sending me to a neurologist.

28-08-19, 18:04
Nobody can reassure you, Seymour. I thought you had decided that a neuro consultation was counter-productive?

You won't like this response but it is intended to help you.

28-08-19, 19:13

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


28-08-19, 19:56
Nobody can reassure you, Seymour. I thought you had decided that a neuro consultation was counter-productive?

You won't like this response but it is intended to help you.

My rheumatologist decided to send me to a neurologist based on my symptoms. It was her call and I didn’t push for it.

There isn’t really anything that can confirm that I’m crazy and that I haven’t got MS. They did a brain MRI alright but lesions in MS can be in the spinal cord too and I even read that it can be done too early before lesions appear. I’d like to have a neurologist’s opinion on all I’ve been reading. I have neurological symptoms like persistent dizziness, head neuralgia, weak arms and sore, tired wobbly legs. Plus I’m taking Enbrel, a medication that has been known to cause demyelination.

So why is my family and everyone acting like I’m completely crazy to be scared of MS or a neuro disease when I have symptoms and a clinical circumstance that could cause it?

I just want some reassurance that somebody has lived the same thing and it was nothing serious. I’m sorry if I come off like a hypochondriac and nutcase.

28-08-19, 20:02
You still won't believe this is nothing serious. You don't sound like a nutcase.

28-08-19, 20:45
If I can at least get the full spinal MRI...

My legs are so twitchy and wobbly I’m scared of ALS too...

29-08-19, 01:46
Anybody ever had sore, tired and weak legs? Mine started hurting out of the blue two days ago and they feel super sore but numb at the same time like I’m walking on cotton. When I bend down they shake. And I get lots of fasciculations and twitches in them.

combined with my dizziness I’m sure I have MS or ALS or some spinal lesion. Can anybody reassure me? ☹️

My doctor is sending me to a neurologist.

Ask anyone who exercises hard or heavy. Watch the guys in weightlifting compos go wobbling off. Well before my anxiety this would happen to me after weight sessions.

With anxiety, it happens all too easily. And anyone with a lot of stress going on can find themselves twitching as it's all normal in these circumstances. It's all under the big umbrella of anxiety symptoms so any of us on here may experience it (and there many threads, many of them are ALS worriers too).

You are finding yourself adding this to your perceived proof of MS or ALS but where is your proof? Does this match symptoms even found in that? Many on here have talked about weakness and it's nothing like the weakness found in such conditions. It is perception of symptoms in a vacuum, the sufferer doesn't realise millions of people experience such things all the time because we don't talk about them and the sufferer is chasing their feared diagnosis.

Your family will likely know this is normal for the human body and may have had it off & on over their lives. They are objective about how the human body experiences benign symptoms all the time.

29-08-19, 01:47
You still won't believe this is nothing serious. You don't sound like a nutcase.

If I can at least get the full spinal MRI...

I think I know what pulisa is going to tell you and I will be agreeing.

29-08-19, 08:42
I'm sure you know what I am going to say, Seymour. There will never be enough tests to satisfy your HA.

Having debilitating HA doesn't make you a "nutcase". but you do have a choice in that you can continue to put yourself through testing to find that elusive "answer" or you can listen to what the doctors actually say and only have medical treatment based on clinical need.

29-08-19, 19:08
Ask anyone who exercises hard or heavy. Watch the guys in weightlifting compos go wobbling off. Well before my anxiety this would happen to me after weight sessions.

With anxiety, it happens all too easily. And anyone with a lot of stress going on can find themselves twitching as it's all normal in these circumstances. It's all under the big umbrella of anxiety symptoms so any of us on here may experience it (and there many threads, many of them are ALS worriers too).

You are finding yourself adding this to your perceived proof of MS or ALS but where is your proof? Does this match symptoms even found in that? Many on here have talked about weakness and it's nothing like the weakness found in such conditions. It is perception of symptoms in a vacuum, the sufferer doesn't realise millions of people experience such things all the time because we don't talk about them and the sufferer is chasing their feared diagnosis.

Your family will likely know this is normal for the human body and may have had it off & on over their lives. They are objective about how the human body experiences benign symptoms all the time.

I’m not sure as I can’t research MS or ALS anymore it makes me panic too much. I know stiff legs can be a sign of MS. Mine feel sore and they twitch after every movement like they are super tired. Is this a presentation symptom of MS or something other?

Listen guys I’ve been dizzy with head pressure for 3 months, my muscles are sore and twitchy, my legs are weak and even my buttocks hurt. I’m going absolutely crazy worrying about what’s happening to my body. I even get tingly sensations all over.

Does anybody know if MS can even cause dizziness with derealization like that??

I’m so tired my body is burned out. My mom says every ache and sensation is caused by pumping cortisol and adrenaline for the past three months worrying all day long about MS and that my body is breaking down. I can’t believe anxiety could cause all this. The dizziness and cold feeling on my thigh that started all this occurred when I wasn’t even anxious I was relaxing in my bed.

My mom says some people have lesions in their brain even before experiencing symptoms and that if all my symptoms were caused by MS I wouldn’t have had a clear brain MRI. She doesn’t want to hear about spinal lesions even though I read that they can be a presenting symptom. Why?

It’s like for everyone a clear brain MRI means no MS but I’ve read that you can still have MS and that lesions can show up later. I don’t understand this I thought lesions caused the symptoms?

what do you guys honestly think??

29-08-19, 20:03
I should add that I recently started taking Zoloft and Risperdal maybe the muscle symptoms come from that?

30-08-19, 01:20
Any thoughts on my last big post? I’ll leave people alone after. ☹️

30-08-19, 02:24
I’m not sure as I can’t research MS or ALS anymore it makes me panic too much. I know stiff legs can be a sign of MS. Mine feel sore and they twitch after every movement like they are super tired. Is this a presentation symptom of MS or something other?

Listen guys I’ve been dizzy with head pressure for 3 months, my muscles are sore and twitchy, my legs are weak and even my buttocks hurt. I’m going absolutely crazy worrying about what’s happening to my body. I even get tingly sensations all over.

Does anybody know if MS can even cause dizziness with derealization like that??

I’m so tired my body is burned out. My mom says every ache and sensation is caused by pumping cortisol and adrenaline for the past three months worrying all day long about MS and that my body is breaking down. I can’t believe anxiety could cause all this. The dizziness and cold feeling on my thigh that started all this occurred when I wasn’t even anxious I was relaxing in my bed.

My mom says some people have lesions in their brain even before experiencing symptoms and that if all my symptoms were caused by MS I wouldn’t have had a clear brain MRI. She doesn’t want to hear about spinal lesions even though I read that they can be a presenting symptom. Why?

It’s like for everyone a clear brain MRI means no MS but I’ve read that you can still have MS and that lesions can show up later. I don’t understand this I thought lesions caused the symptoms?

what do you guys honestly think??

I like what your mum says, she clearly has an understanding of these disorders to be even referencing Cortisol.

I've mentioned this before about another member, Aquilega, who has said he has been having daily dizziness for far longer than you have. He knows it's just anxiety despite how much he has to push through it everyday.

Antidepressants have many side effects. At a minimum they can ramp up your anxiety levels that can bring on new or intensified symptoms. If these have started in the first 4-6 weeks of starting or adjusting any of these meds then you will likely find them listed in the leaflet that came with them. Anything like twitching and weakness is a common one across such meds.

30-08-19, 02:54
It’s exactly what I’m scared of. That the dizziness will never go away. I think I’d take a disease if they can at least stop the dizziness. Is it common to be chronically dizzy? I think I’d off myself.

I started taking risperdal a week ago and increased my Zoloft at the same time. It gave me restless legs and 3 days later my legs were super sore.

01-09-19, 00:12
Hi folks

For the last four days I’ve been having twitches and burning in my legs when lying down like they’re super sore from exercise but I’ve done nothing. I actually have been mostly in bed or on the couch for the past three months in a state of super high anxiety.

When I walk around my legs are weak to the point of trembling when going down stairs and I’m feeling the weaknesses in my buttocks too. Kind of a feeling of hollowness and weakness in the legs.

They don’t feel numb I can still feel things but they’re in a constant state of soreness and weakness.

Is this a common symptom of MS or ALS? Is it the three months of anxiety, undernutrition and probably dehydration manifesting that way? Kind of a cortisol overdose?

please help folks I’m freaking out that I’ll become paralyzed

01-09-19, 05:52
Of course you're feeling weak if you've barely moved around in months. Cause and effect.

01-09-19, 07:41
But can it cause muscles to become weak and burning with twitches??

01-09-19, 08:14
We're not doctors, Seymour. All I can tell you is that you really need to work on your anxiety, because it'll make whatever you're experiencing that much easier.

01-09-19, 12:59

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

01-09-19, 15:44
I’ve got twitches all over. Now the weak legs. I’m done. 100% sure I have MS or ALS. Nothing else could cause this.

01-09-19, 16:00
In which case, how can an anxiety forum help you?

07-09-19, 15:38
I think that barely eating for months is starting to really affect my body. That and the constant anxiety and panic rushes that must pump adrenaline and cortisol constantly in my body.

I truly don’t know what’s happening. When I stretch my legs in the morning they start shaking. Super weak.

I definitely must have nutrient deficiency as I have been barely eating for three months. A typical day I eat a small bowl of cereals around 1PM and I have supper around 6 or 7PM which is often pastas or sausages.

I barely eat any vegetables or fruits and some days I don’t drink water until late in the day.

Not sure if extreme anxiety and not eating can cause my symptoms but I would guess it doesn’t help. Muscles need protein. Also I don’t go out and don’t get any sun.

Can being in bed all day long and not eating cause muscle atrophy and muscle weakness?

07-09-19, 15:54
Of course it can. How would it not?

07-09-19, 16:02
Reassurance is a strange word. We cannot guarantee our advice. It must be taken at face value. We can suggest that your symptoms are possibly based in an heightened state of anxiety.
You might not recognise this for what it is but the fact that you're here posting suggests you might have an inkling. A good way to calm your thoughts is too read through the various posts or type in your specific worries MS/ALS and press search. No doubt you'll find people with the same worries, the same symptoms and the same thinking processes - for me that is reassuring. For me, your feeling of walking on cotton, the dizziness and tires weak limbs are classic signs of anxiety - I've had them all. They come, they go … it can take time. It'll pass. Breathe easy !

07-09-19, 16:36
I don’t know why my legs are so weak and sore though. If I extend them to stretch them they start shaking...

I also have a lot of twitching mostly in legs but also arms, back, face.... ☹️

07-09-19, 16:39
I don’t know why my legs are so weak and sore though.

Just a thought... could it be...?

I actually have been mostly in bed or on the couch for the past three months in a state of super high anxiety.

Positive thoughts

07-09-19, 17:27
It definitely must not help but my legs have felt "off" for months but for the past 10 days the burning sore feeling has been worse.

i tested my strength yesterday.

I did tests like getting up from a chair on one leg, jumping up stairs with two legs at the same time, standing on one feet, walking on toes and heels... I passed them but my muscles got sore quick and twitched after...

07-09-19, 17:50
The classic set of neurological self- testing by the worried HA-er. When is your appointment with the actual neurologist, Seymour? Why not wait for an expert to assess you properly?

07-09-19, 17:54
Couldn’t find anything sooner than mid-October so far

23-09-19, 18:40
What worries me is that she hasn’t suggested anything that could explain my symptoms

The GP did a basic neurological exam, reflexes, eye movements, walking on tip toes, all that jazz. She said everything was normal and that there was nothing indicative of MS so she didn’t want to order an MRI. She said my symptoms didn't sound like MS cause they were very mild and also MS wouldn’t present as small tingles all over that last a second but more like a whole leg tingling for hours or days.

A few days ago I went back to the same GP complaining about the same symptoms. She said I was a hypocondriac and sent me to the hospital... I ended up seeing two other doctors who did basic neuro exams and listened to my symptoms and diagnosed me with extreme health anxiety. Nobody even wants to send me for an MRI and everyone basically called me crazy. I had to see a psychiatrist in urgent care

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 19:07
from a clinical standpoint I had no weakness...When I talked about ALS she said I’m too young and to please not lose sleep over this.... she thinks I’m worrying too much.

The GP did a basic neurological exam, reflexes, eye movements, walking on tip toes, all that jazz. She said everything was normal and that there was nothing indicative of MS so she didn’t want to order an MRI. She said my symptoms didn't sound like MS cause they were very mild and also MS wouldn’t present as small tingles all over that last a second but more like a whole leg tingling for hours or days.

A few days ago I went back to the same GP complaining about the same symptoms. She said I was a hypocondriac and sent me to the hospital... I ended up seeing two other doctors who did basic neuro exams and listened to my symptoms and diagnosed me with extreme health anxiety. Nobody even wants to send me for an MRI and everyone basically called me crazy. I had to see a psychiatrist in urgent care

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 19:44
Rightho, so now you have had GPs and other clinicians including the one today, check you over and see nothing wrong. There is something wrong, but its mental and not physical.

How is your girlfriend getting on with her pregnancy ?

23-09-19, 21:33
Fishmanpa, do you have anxiety issues?

23-09-19, 21:47
Fishmanpa, do you have anxiety issues?

Nothing that any normal person would stress over but I have dealt with depression and "scanxiety" after my heart attacks and cancer. The depression I recognized and sought help. Had therapy and took Zoloft for 6 months. The "scanxiety" was more difficult to deal with as I had a 50/50 chance of the cancer coming back. I would have to get tests and scans every three months for the 1st two years and then every 6 months until 5 years out. The stress from the anticipation of that ramped me up. It manifested itself as extreme irritability and sleeplessness. Again, I sought therapy and had a chill pill I could take. But in the sense of the extreme and irrational anxiety I see here? No....

I came to this board when I followed several HAers over from the cancer forum I was on. I ended up staying to offer some reality to many of the fantastical fears. Also, my daughter suffers from anxiety and depression and I've learned a lot about her situation and it's helped me help her.

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 22:24
It definitely must not help but my legs have felt "off" for months but for the past 10 days the burning sore feeling has been worse.

i tested my strength yesterday.

I did tests like getting up from a chair on one leg, jumping up stairs with two legs at the same time, standing on one feet, walking on toes and heels... I passed them but my muscles got sore quick and twitched after...
mine get like this from staying in bed for long peroids of time it's due to loosing muscle mass, you need to strengthen your legs again.
Hey all my sister in law gets this have them check your ears there are little crystals in the ear that can get shifted and make you have dizziness ,that is what causes hers. https://www.webmd.com/brain/home-remedies-vertigo#1

24-09-19, 06:55
I agree with PK

You need to strengthen your legs
You will get sore legs from doing it but that's good because you will know it come from doing yoga

24-09-19, 09:06
I truly hope you will be a good dad to your new baby, Seymour but you'll have to get up off the sofa and carry on with your life even if you still think you have ALS. What do you think people actually diagnosed with ALS do? Do they give up and take to their beds? You have had many assessments and tests which don't convince you. You can choose to opt out of all your responsibilities and chase your chosen diagnosis or you can decide to get up and get on with your life despite your anxiety.

24-09-19, 09:10
This 100 percent ! Even people with awful conditions get on with living.

24-09-19, 11:22
Agree,life is too short get up off your bum and live your life.
Start looking around at what you have,and thank the good olé lord that you have not got the hideous disease ALS.