View Full Version : need some reassurance or advice

21-09-07, 11:29
I hate having health anxiety, its probably the most stressful thing in the world, they say with anxiety you should stop the worry but how can you do that when you think you can keel over right now

So heres my worry for today: todays worry is meningitus or septacemia

i have had an on and off fever for 2 days now
slight headach but not too bad, bit twingy
i've got about 11 small bright red pin prick spots like a rash on both my arms that do not fade or disappear under a glass

i'm terrified.

if u don't hear from me soon i was right, otherwise i'm going mad

xx sammi xx

21-09-07, 14:22
HI there, you sound just like me. I totally agree, everything is the most serious of conditions.

Like you this is making my life a total misery.
I'm quite good at giving advice, but i cant take it. so my advice to you is meningitus is quick, and you'd be really ill by now, you wouln't have the strength to be on this site!

hope thats helps a little,


21-09-07, 15:39
hi sammi my grandson had septacimia meneingtitas last year and you have not got that the systems happen so quick the rash is purple not red hun i no how hard it is i have health anx but i can reasure on this one tc xxx

06-11-09, 20:32
Hi sammy,

Just wondering if you ever got check out as I have got similar symptoms except Ive had them for a couple of weeks now


06-11-09, 20:35
Hi Sammi
Yup, the others are right. Meningitis is very severe and you would have become very ill very quickly. Sometimes anxiety can cause or provoke skin conditions so perhaps your rash is actually related to the fear? If you're on medication, sometimes medications can have that side effect too. If the rash doesn't go away and you're worried then you could see a doctor to get it checked out but it sounds like nothing to worry about to me. You're definitely not severely ill! I know what it's like though. I hate health anxiety. Everytime I get a headache I presume I'm having a stroke! Sometimes you have to look at how overblown you're being and try to laugh at yourself.

Hope you feel better soon