View Full Version : SarahNah - giving hugs to my friend

29-08-19, 02:02
Alot of people may not know but user Sarahnah and me are great friends in "real" life and even lived together during college for awhile!

We tried not to talk to much about our worries/HA issues as we didn't want to overcome our friendship and become the pnly topic of convo. So in a way it was pros and cons- anyway! We didn't want to feed into each other fears. We have talked about other issues but we both struggle with HA for different reasons...sorry this is long and confusing! Just trying to explain!

She is really struggling right now. Some of you may or may not have noticed but she deleted her thread. She did this after contacting admin and plans to bring it back when she's in a better place x She suffers so badly with her mental health- as she would say it can always be worse or other people have it worse so she always tried not to give into feelings to much...and sadly this has lead to a bad episodes for her.

She put alot of us- her friends first. Sitting up to all hours talking and taking care of us. That in away she let herself become overwhelmed with her own sadness and pain.

She know's I'm posting this as she asked me too! to let people know she's going to be gone along time but she wanted me to say thank you to anyone who has ever reached out/talked to her. I just also wanted to add here if she ever reads it- You have been one of my best friends and to quote your fav song. You were always on my mind x :flowers::hugs:

29-08-19, 02:37
Here's some big :hugs::hugs::hugs: for Sarah and some :flowers:

I wasn't up to date on that thread (I wondered what happened to cause it's deletion as Sarah seemed to be using it in a positive way when I was reading it early on) but I remember her talking about big life changes and also saw she was coping with them as she got past issues with anticipatory anxiety.

I don't think I've had much contact with her on the boards but from what I do know she seems a lovely, kind and supportive person.

I hope, with your help LouiseAndy, she doesn't feel she is being judged on here or fell embarassed? It's easy to feel that way but this is a safe place to talk about all sorts of intimate things in a mature way as so many have or are going through their own issues they will feel the same about. And other than such as yourself it's anonymous.

I hope she feels better soon :hugs:

29-08-19, 03:31
Here's some big :hugs::hugs::hugs: for Sarah and some :flowers:

I wasn't up to date on that thread (I wondered what happened to cause it's deletion as Sarah seemed to be using it in a positive way when I was reading it early on) but I remember her talking about big life changes and also saw she was coping with them as she got past issues with anticipatory anxiety.

I don't think I've had much contact with her on the boards but from what I do know she seems a lovely, kind and supportive person.

I hope, with your help LouiseAndy, she doesn't feel she is being judged on here or fell embarassed? It's easy to feel that way but this is a safe place to talk about all sorts of intimate things in a mature way as so many have or are going through their own issues they will feel the same about. And other than such as yourself it's anonymous.

I hope she feels better soon :hugs:

Thank you for replying Terry! I know your words will mean so much to her when she gets a chance to read them x!

I asked her before if I could share this and I'll say it once but she suffers with episodes of psychosis. She had one the other night and ended up posting loads onto the thread. She felt overwhelmed by it and decided it would be best to remove it for now! So hopefully she can bring it back when she feels good enough x! (This is all the info she said was okay to share, I won't be sharing more outside of this because it's her story! She just wanted people to have a idea of what was currently happening)

We're all doing our best to gather around her and tell her that she has come so far even if it doesn't feel like it !

She has a great group of friends around her, as well of lots of other good support!

29-08-19, 08:59
Ahh sending love to Sarah. I hope she’s in a better place soon.
So nice that you both know each other - 2 lovely girls, it makes sense that you are friends in real life too.
Hugs to you both xx

29-08-19, 09:33
Sending love and good wishes; from what I know of her she's a sweet person and I'm sorry she's in such a bad place right now.

29-08-19, 10:52
Scass and blueIris thank you both so much for leaving a reply, it will mean so much to her x

I known her a known of years now and I can honestly say she's one of the most kind and supportive people I've ever meet.

29-08-19, 17:00
Hello Louise...I did think that you two would have been friends in real life and it's good that you have such a close bond.

I'm so sorry that Sarah is so unwell..I saw her last posts and realised that she was in a bad place. I hope that she can get the professional help she needs to get better and stronger. She has been through a lot but always keeps going..Maybe now is the time to have others support her and help her with her demons. She is a brave girl who copes with many difficulties but who has strength and determination. Please pass on my best wishes to her and I do hope that things get easier for her very soon xx

29-08-19, 17:49
2 lovely girlsBoth Irish so I obviously can't resist posting this now you've said that!



29-08-19, 20:35
Hello Louise...I did think that you two would have been friends in real life and it's good that you have such a close bond.

I'm so sorry that Sarah is so unwell..I saw her last posts and realised that she was in a bad place. I hope that she can get the professional help she needs to get better and stronger. She has been through a lot but always keeps going..Maybe now is the time to have others support her and help her with her demons. She is a brave girl who copes with many difficulties but who has strength and determination. Please pass on my best wishes to her and I do hope that things get easier for her very soon xx

Thank you so much Pulisa, we've all really gathered around her. She's in close contact with her therapist- it will be a long path but we know she can pull through and make it back to where she was again! I will of course pass on your wishes x I know she will be so touch that so many people were giving her well wishes !

29-08-19, 20:37
@Mynameisterry Ah...sadly the morden day lovely game contest (the rose of tralee) was just on this weekend !

30-08-19, 02:34
Thank you for replying Terry! I know your words will mean so much to her when she gets a chance to read them x!

I asked her before if I could share this and I'll say it once but she suffers with episodes of psychosis. She had one the other night and ended up posting loads onto the thread. She felt overwhelmed by it and decided it would be best to remove it for now! So hopefully she can bring it back when she feels good enough x! (This is all the info she said was okay to share, I won't be sharing more outside of this because it's her story! She just wanted people to have a idea of what was currently happening)

We're all doing our best to gather around her and tell her that she has come so far even if it doesn't feel like it !

She has a great group of friends around her, as well of lots of other good support!

I didn't know she has those periods to contend with. But it's good that she has learned to spot when they are coming/occur and reach out to her support network.

No need to tell us anything, it's totally up to Sarah. There are people on here with more complex mental health conditions and this place is very non judgemental about such things so whilst she only needs say what she feels comfortable with I hope she doesn't worry how she will be perceived.

I'm glad she has her friends around her. At hard times what we often need is some normality and just a laugh a cry or to sit watching the TV having a chat to pull you through.

30-08-19, 02:40
@Mynameisterry Ah...sadly the morden day lovely game contest (the rose of tralee) was just on this weekend !

I had no idea they still went on. I suppose they have made a bit of a comeback over here after years of being seen as sexist. I bet it causes some debate over there!

30-08-19, 14:49
True friend [emoji122] hope she recovers soon. All the best xx

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31-08-19, 00:10
I was wondering what happened. She was certainly putting a lot of effort in but it was apparent she was really hurting (the last few weeks) and I noticed the decline and said as much. Hopefully the break from the forum and real life support will do her some good. Send positive thoughts from me will you please?

Positive thoughts

31-08-19, 00:36
Hoping she finds the strength to get through this difficult time and sending her my best wishes.

01-09-19, 19:49
True friend [emoji122] hope she recovers soon. All the best xx

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

I'll pass your wishes along xx Thank you

01-09-19, 19:50
I was wondering what happened. She was certainly putting a lot of effort in but it was apparent she was really hurting (the last few weeks) and I noticed the decline and said as much. Hopefully the break from the forum and real life support will do her some good. Send positive thoughts from me will you please?

Positive thoughts

I will of course x! Thank you, I know your words for the time she's been on here has meant alot and we all don't doubt she won't be back on her feet in no time again and making even better progress.

01-09-19, 19:51
Hoping she finds the strength to get through this difficult time and sending her my best wishes.

Thank you KK77, I have no doubt she's truly touched about the out-poor of well wishes she's gotten from here. It will mean so much to her

03-09-19, 23:34
Hi everyone- I'm not making a come back yet (Wow feels like I'm in a cowboy movie with that!), I'm still in a very fragile place. I'm working closely with my therapist and gp during this time. I've been shown just how much people care around me and it's been what's kept me going. While I will not be coming back on here for along time again or not at all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that's replied to this.

It means the world to me all of your kind words, I will carry your well wishes in my heart everyday. If I'm honest, I don't know if I'll ever return here- but I asked Louise to give everyone a idea of what was happening because I know I used to read/reply to threads of people who were on here very day (like me) and left without a word.

So while this might be goodbye forever- or just a long time. I just wanted to say thank you, thank every one of you. I wish you all happy times x

03-09-19, 23:50
Hi everyone- I'm not making a come back yet (Wow feels like I'm in a cowboy movie with that!), I'm still in a very fragile place. I'm working closely with my therapist and gp during this time. I've been shown just how much people care around me and it's been what's kept me going. While I will not be coming back on here for along time again or not at all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that's replied to this.

It means the world to me all of your kind words, I will carry your well wishes in my heart everyday. If I'm honest, I don't know if I'll ever return here- but I asked Louise to give everyone a idea of what was happening because I know I used to read/reply to threads of people who were on here very day (like me) and left without a word.

So while this might be goodbye forever- or just a long time. I just wanted to say thank you, thank every one of you. I wish you all happy times x

Remember you have friends and people who care here so never hesitate if you feel you need our support/advice - even if it's via PM.

All the best for your journey henceforth, Sarah :D

04-09-19, 02:34

The fact you have taken the time & effort to post on here saying this shows the type of person you because you have so much going on anyone would be forgiven for not being able to do so. There would be no shame in not doing it until you were in a better place but you've done something essentially for others at a time when I think we would all have expected you to be retreating into yourself. I think that shows you have a very positive mindset and a can do attitude which will only help you at this time.

Take all the time you need and just get better, that's all anyone on here would want whether you return or not. Your friends have said how much you help them in their struggles and that is a reward that you can always do without helping people on here if circumstances mean you can do so no longer.

Take care and all the best for the future :hugs::flowers:

04-09-19, 07:29
Get better Sarah, that’s all we need to know and all you need to concentrate on. Wishing you all good things and lots of happiness x

08-09-19, 01:54
Best wishes for your recovery SarahNah. It takes as long as it takes, but I know everyone on here will be wishing you all the best and would look forward to you posting regularly again at some point in the future if and when you are able to do so.

22-09-19, 00:28
Thank you to everyone here who replied- Sarah just asked me drop a line to say as some of you many know. She was meant to move to Germany this month but due to her mental state she didn't feel it was the best move. Yet the company she was moving to work for- said they would keep her job till January! So it's still going ahead! She very happy to have this extra time and yet having that goal to work towards also x! :D

22-09-19, 01:53
They sound like a good company to work for and I'm glad Sarah has a supportive employer.

It's best she spends this time working on herself so she feels able to take on an experience that alone is scary for many but she will have support from her friends through it too as you have said and maybe she will find some there too. :flowers:

22-09-19, 08:24
That’s great news for Sarah. I hope she’s getting better x

13-10-19, 00:55
Hello everyone xx Thank you, so, so, so, much! All of your kind words have meant the world to me! I'll be posting in my own thread now but thank you all from the bottom of my heart!