View Full Version : Hi. I'm allegedly suffering from depression.

21-01-05, 18:01
Hi everyone.

I posted something earlier on the meds forum, but I see this is really the place to start.

I have been diagnosed with depression and moderate anxiety. I am not really sure if I am depressed. I really thought that depression would be, well, more depressing than what I am currently feeling.

First, some history. I DID have a problem with panic attacks and anxiety attacks from 1992 to 1995. This is what I now know as classic panic attack kind of disorder. The first one hit me like a thunderbolt, more of them came gradually more frequently, and by 1993 my whole life was plagued by fear and inexplicable sadness. After searching high and low for advice and the answer to this, it was a hypnotherapist who explained to me that my constant fear was fear of fear itself. Relaxation through self-hypnosis techniques helped me break the cycle, but it was really reading a book I found in a charity shop on the subject that allowed me to put the attacks to bed. I'm ashamed to say I can't remember its title or author, but the central theme was that panic came from existential angst. I don't know how this clicked with me, but it did. I was able to ride the panic attacks and say "go on then do your worst." I suppose I stood up to the attacks and they backed down. It's strange that this worked, as before I had tried to fight them with pure determination and this actually made them worse. A sort of resignation and acceptance worked better. From then on I also could tell when my body was tensing or my breathing wasn't right, and correct it. At that point I would actually feel myself relax and I am sure that this stopped any panic attacks occurring by tackling tension at a very early stage. I was then able to throw myself into my final year at University and I can assure you I certainly indulged myself of every temptation available, doing all the things that you can only get away with with the spare time that students have. All this more full on than I had before and NOT beholden to fear or panic.

Before that I had tried some things that did not really work. One was meditation - I will not say the brand name of the practice as I know it can do wonders for others and I did find it pleasant. So I won't give it a bad press. Another thing was medication - specifically Melleril. I don't know what that was - I was told it was an anti-psychotic. This was very unpleasant and caused me to cry which I was not previously doing. Visits to a psychologist gave me some good practical tips and also got me off the Melleril very early - the psychologist was not happy I had been prescribed them as a healthy 22 year old. However, the psychoanalysis did not have any effect on the panic attacks and the all-pervading tension and fear. In those days, the medical profession didn't really know what to do with you and there were no sites like this which I knew of. So it was through my own persistence that I was able to find a solution.

10 years later and I can still handle attacks if they are near, or cut them out before they even start. I do however, have a slightly different problem. It's as if I beat one problem, only for the same kind of thing to have sneaked up on me from another angle. It does seem to be based around sleep - or not being able to sleep. I've never really been a great sleeper but in the last 6 months or so I have simply been unable to get to sleep at night. This has coincided with a bad situation at work - look up "causes of stress at work" on Google and the list you'll get on an official medical site will be what I have had to suffer since the company started doing badly about a year ago or more.

Some nights I sleep an hour and a half. Others 4, even 6 or 7 on say Saturday. However I have always needed 7 or 8 hours. This went on for about 4 months, and I tried to beat it by getting up earlier and getting down the gym. My rationale for this was that the extra effort would help me get to sleep at night. It didn't. In fact, I got energy from it that was still with me at night and I possibly found it even more difficult t

21-01-05, 18:20
Hi Biggle,

Thanks for posting here . A history is so important and had I read this I could have left out several things in the other post so thanks for getting round to it .

It is completely usual for SSRI meds like yours to increase the symptoms so panickers get more panicky , depressions get deeper for up to the first month so she was right . These then fade as you feel much better.

The emptiness of emotion is also normal which makes it hard for those needing to vent and off load emotion in order to move on .

Take care


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

21-01-05, 18:49
Hi Biggle

Thanks for the great intro - it really helps to know about the history so we can advise further.

I was put on Dothiepin and Prozac for panic attacks over 8 years ago and they never helped the panic but did help the depression.

I don't remember feeling depressed but looking back I know that I was and I didn't have any interest in life atall.

I stopped all meds 7 years ago as I didn't feel they helped and I was adamant to be drug free and I still am.

Over the time I have run this site and forum I have seen how much they have helped people so my opinions have changed and I appreciate that they have their place in the recovery proces.

As for the sleeping issues - well I am trying to write a web page about it. I am armed with 4 books on the subject but just can't seem to find the time to get going on it. I will do soon so hopefully that will help us all.

We look forward to hearing more from you and hopefully helping you along the way.

Good luck with your decision on taking the meds or not.


21-01-05, 19:01
Thanks Nicola. Look forward to hearing more about the web page!

I think this is a great website and I will certainly be keeping in touch. I will bite the bullet and see the treatment through till my next visit. I'll post how things go.

I suppose I should really post this on the meds forum, so refer me to that if you want, but I have noticed a curiosity between this site and some of the US ones.

The side effects from anti-depressants posted on this site seem to echo mine and are fog/drowsiness-based. The US ones however have a lot more complaints about weight-gain and acne.

I note that these last ones are not listed by the manufacturer. Is there a lot of evidence for these sides? I have my first zit since my 20s. :)

21-01-05, 22:33
Hi Biggle

Great post and let us know all how you are feeling. No one can say if medication will help as it helps some and not others, but from past experience all i can say that it does take time for meds to work and unduly they make you feel worse at the start.

Give them time and see how you get on and rely on us lot to help you through.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

22-01-05, 13:36

8 Years ago I was on medication and I use to think that I did not need it as how could I be depressed. I thought that depression was all about feeling fed up, which I didnt. But looking back and after learning about depression it is different things to different people, the meds in the beginning do make you feel worse and when you reach the stage of looking back you will see that they can help you.

They are not a miracle cure and yes they do have side effects some quite severe but they can also get you from A to B if you know what I mean, basically they can have their place in your recovery. I too was prescribed Melerill, what an awful drug it is.

I think that you are right in saying that you have to accept not fight.

Hope you feel better soon.


22-01-05, 14:27

I put on a lot of weight when I was on Dothiepin - about 2 stone. I don't remember getting acne though.


22-01-05, 22:18
Hi Biggle

How are you getting on would be great to hear from you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx