View Full Version : Bad day

29-08-19, 18:28
Very bad day anxiety wise!

I went back to work yesterday after a 2 week break due to multiple panic attacks a day. I made it through the day yesterday with only two hiccups and made it mostly through the day today until 30minutes before I was due to leave I had abit of a wobble and boom health anxiety kicks in

I have such a bad habit of checking my pulse all the time and if I can’t feel it/can’t find it straight away I jump into massive panic mode it’s been two hours now and I’m still doing it even though every time I do it I tell myself off as I know I shouldn’t be!

Problem being this week, I’ve woke up every morning trembling and weak and I’ve felt so short of breath like I’m not taking enough air in! I found the symptom on the articles on here so I know it’s anxiety related I just can’t help my mind going into overdrive! I’ve had all the test ECGs, bloods, CT chest with contrast, echo and everything came back normal apart from one ECG show slight non specific t wave abnormality but I was in the midst of a 3 hour panic attack when this one was done so I was advised non specific changes are normal when your hearts been pumping that fast for that long and it wasn’t concerning at all, all others perfect yet I’m still convinced I have some sort of heart problem!

I cannot wait for my CBT to start although it looks like I’m in for a long wait! I have started reading the course on here but I’m much more of a some tell me rather than reading it person but I’m trying!

Just posting to get this off my chest and hear others story’s with regards to heart related health anxiety

Amy xx

30-08-19, 20:03
I believe health anxiety is a form of ocd or at least has similarities. I am similar. I get an obsession and i will keep checking both myself and the internet. I learned something the other week. I was in a situation where i couldnt get very good internet so checking google was limited for a whole week. By the end of the week i was the happiest i have been in a while. Basically what i am suggesting is that you grit your teeth and stop checking. It will be hard at first but you will feel better after a while.

30-08-19, 20:08
Another thing you could try is reasoned argument. Eg your pulse... Your reasonable argument could be that if your pulse was low you would know as you would feel bad. If your pulse is too high then you feel that also. So therefore just cos you cant locate it doesnt mean it isnt there if that makes sense?

01-09-19, 07:43
Thank you Pav! I kind of know what I need to do reading advice on here it’s just so hard to break the bad habits I’ve created and convince myself the symptoms and pains are not something serious! Here’s hoping we can kick these checking habits ASAP!