View Full Version : Stuck fretting about brain tumor

30-08-19, 07:51
I hate having to make a post here, but I can’t keep myself from googling otherwise, so here we go.

I’ve got a stabbing pain in the base of my head tonight so of course my mind has hopped immediately to brain tumor.

Trying to reason with myself that it’s likely stress, bad posture, or both. I do have terrible posture and sit badly at a computer all day for work, then go home and sit badly playing video games. Makes sense more than a brain tumor for sure.

Or stress, since we’ve got a hurricane about to hit here in Florida and I’ve been running wild all over town looking for supplies this week.

I also don’t have any real symptoms. Nothing beyond the head/neck pain, some pressure in my ear, and chronic migraines I’ve had for 20 years, which clearly would’ve been a problem by now if they were anything more than just migraines.

I have been on Paxil now for 5 weeks for health anxiety and have an appointment next week to see if the dosage needs to be altered or if the med is working for me. I’m keeping notes on all my mental health symptoms so I can report them faithfully to my doc.

Til the appointment I just need to keep this health anxiety blip under control. And convince myself I do not have a brain tumor.

Sorry for this rambling mess of a post!

30-08-19, 08:04
This sounds like a neck headache or occipital neuralgia. Certainly CERTAINLY another a brain tumour

30-08-19, 08:17
This sounds like a neck headache or occipital neuralgia. Certainly CERTAINLY another a brain tumour

I’m assuming you meant certainly not a brain tumor, haha!
I haven’t heard of occipital neuralgia, but I don’t want to google it tonight given the state I’m in. I really appreciate your fast response!

30-08-19, 08:53
Oops sorry. Sloppy spelling plus autocorrect!! Googled for you: Occipital neuralgia is characterized by severe pain that begins in the upper neck and back of the head. This pain is typically one-sided, although it can be on both sides if both occipital nerves have been affected. Additionally, the pain may radiate forward toward the eye as it follows the path of the occipital nerve(s).
It is common and totally benign

30-08-19, 09:30
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that too!

31-08-19, 10:48
This is how I feel at the moment, I've had this headache and neck pain for weeks now. My dr says its tension but of course to me it's a tumour or something awful.

31-08-19, 10:53
This is how I feel at the moment, I've had this headache and neck pain for weeks now. My dr says its tension but of course to me it's a tumour or something awful.

It’s terrible to be so stuck on something even after a professional says it’s okay, isn’t it? I understand, mine has been off and on for weeks as well. I hope your headaches and health anxiety both can ease up quickly.

31-08-19, 11:11
You too. It totally takes over everything doesn't it.