View Full Version : What Does Ffb Mean In Abbreviation?

21-09-07, 13:37
Im a real technofobe

I think i know what ffb means, but i received the initials in a horribe text from my ex mother-in-law this morning, can anyone tell me what they think it means.

Love lilibet x x

21-09-07, 14:08
Ive never heard of this either lilibet - maybe you could try googgling it and see if anything comes up

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

21-09-07, 14:12
Ok well with your tif with the mother in law I thought I'd try to cheer you up so I'm posting this silly reply.

I don't know all the abbreviations either so I looked it up and here is what I've found - LOL

Fat Free Body Mass - she might be saying you are skinny - now that is something to thank her for :winks:

Features, Functions, and Benefits - Was she discribing the latest in home cleaning products?? This one would work for that:yesyes:

Federal Financing Bank (US) - she won the lottery and wants to give you a ton of money:flowers:

Fresh Fruit Bunch - Ok well does she have a thing for fruit?????:shrug:

Fürstenfeldbruck (German auto license plate) - She's moving to Germany - WOOHOOO LET'S PARTY:shades:

Fit For Breeding - She is saying you will make a wonderful mother:flowers:

The last one sent me to a gay website so ummmmmm...... is she trying to come out??????????????????:huh:

Anyway - I don't know what it means really but I thought maybe I'd give you some alternatives to make you smile:hugs:


21-09-07, 14:13
Ive never heard of this...could it be that she spelt something wrong, wat is the sentence it was in?x

21-09-07, 14:13
haha theres some good ideas there sandy!! xxx

21-09-07, 15:03
Fat Free Buns?

Oh I wish !

21-09-07, 17:13
just asked my teenage daughter on this one and according to her its not very nice unfortunately. Dont think i can write it out in full but Im sure you will get the gist
Filthy Fu*king B*tch

Sorry I hate writing this but not sure if this is what you were thinking - Im so glad she is your EX mother in law - not a very nice person and you certainly dont deserve to be called that - no one does

Hugs to you

Luv Darkangel x

21-09-07, 17:56
thanks dark angel, i think she meant fat f....king b...tch.

its days like this when im glad i got divorced...

love lilibet

thanks everyone elso too

21-09-07, 18:17
I'd change my phone number..


21-09-07, 18:36
...so would I. :lac:

Piglet :flowers:

21-09-07, 18:54
or would it be possible to block her calls?

21-09-07, 19:44
Good ideas x x x x

21-09-07, 21:42
Dear All

I thought that i would let you all know that my ex-husband has now had a word with his mother about the text. I havent contacted her, and will deal with it when i feel stronger. I didnt have a clue what it meant thank goodness for the younger generation on this occasion. Its funny really as when i was "in the family" she was always a pain in the neck, so why did i think she would change,,,,i had invited her to dinner tonight but that obviously didnt happen and with any luck she will go back to spain soon thank god she doesnt come over too often.

anyway thanks all

lilibet x x x x x

22-09-07, 11:00
Hugs to you Lilibet - Im glad she going back to Spain, further away the better. Ive not bumped into my ex in-laws yet but Im sure they would have a few choice words to say about me too lol.


Luv and take care
Darkangel :flowers:

22-09-07, 11:54
That made me laugh dark angel, thanks x x x

22-09-07, 15:59
i think you can get copies of what she texts from your phone company ......then have her arrested for harrassment
they can also stop her from calling and texting with an injuction to i think

22-09-07, 16:55
Thanks Barbedspirit

x x

22-09-07, 18:17
shame shame on her...but know what gets them good just smile like hell lady i dont sweat the small stuff...ya know what im saying.be the bigger person.......obviously she is very chidish....wish ya the best...linda