View Full Version : Sensation under right rib 😔

30-08-19, 14:12
Hello everyone!

Haven't been here for 5 years since my youngest was born.. Sadly I am back 😭

A few weeks ago I felt a bubbly sensation under my right rib, the more I focused on it it started to feel like something was there and I became quite tense and was frequently adjusting my self!
Because my mind was starting to wander I went to GP surgery, they prodded me and said they weren't worried but for my reassurance they would send me for an ultrasound... I'm in the long 4 week wait now and I'm cracking up 😔

Blood test was fine, urine was clear!

Since my doctors appointment I am feeling this more and more, it's not painful but I feel bruised or it twingeing. It doesn't feel like my rib I don't think but I just can't stop thinking it it the C word.

I have no gallbladder so it is mot that unfortunately 😔. I twitter searched 'anxiety rib pain' and so many people mentioned that when they're anxiety glares up they get it.

If anybody else has none scary outcomes of this feeling i would welcome it cause I am feeling very frightened at the moment 😔

10-09-19, 03:06
Hi there. I have burning under right rib cage on abdomen. Did you get any answers as to what this can be? This is my first time posting here.

10-09-19, 11:49
I'm going through the same as well! Lfts are normal but still I have this pain. I shall watch this thread and see what happens...

15-09-19, 14:43
Hi everyone. I replied yesterday w a huge paragraph. Was it not posted?