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View Full Version : Dry mouth since early July 2019. Freaking out!

31-08-19, 16:23
Hi all! I have read up on a lot of the dry mouth threads here already. This all started in early July this summer. I started getting a very sore tip of my tongue when speaking. Its gradually progressed from there to the point that I have a dry mouth pritty much 24-7 now. The nights are the worst. Like a desert. I have been to dentist twice and doctor where they took diabetes and thryoid test. All came back ok. Dentist told me it was likely stress related. I am just starting doubt how that is even possible. And how something like that could last this long.

I had a very stressful period with big work anxiety as well as healthy anxiety which has just grown over this mouth issue. One of the worst parts is the pain associated with dry mouth. Its horrible! Mouth feels like its on fire. Really an awful kind of pain. I have been eating a lot of icecubes which helps. I know stress and anxiety can do just about anything. This mouth thing has been pritty much all i have thought about. So surely i have been making it worse. But im also wondering like yesterday i had a better day and felt nice and calm and would think this would start to improve. How long can something like this go on for? Im 44 male myself and i keep thinking maybe this is Sjögrens. Dentist said it wasent. Or that im not the target group as i guess its typically older women. I also have very dry lips and nasal passage that burns now and then. Guess nose and mouth are very much inter-twined.

I guess im just wondering how long something like this can go on for. Never had anything like this in my life. Just very random that something like this in my mouth would become a problem. Defintely worst stress period I have had though. I welcome any experiences and comments. And i thank you very much!

31-08-19, 17:41
Hi mister bubbles
Sorry to hear that you are suffering with your dry mouth. I can really relate as I get dry mouth badly in times of stress and it’s really horrid and makes you miserable. I’m going through a bad patch at the moment and along with the dry mouth I get tingling, and a little burning. The worst fir me though is the horrid tastes I get - quite salty sometimes metallic. I am looking at the following as possible causes
Lpr or reflux - do you get this at all?
Post menopause oestrogen drop which can affect mouth (obviously you can rule that one out!)
Medications - have you started any new ones recently ?
Stress can be a big factor as the dentist said
Burning mouth syndrome - not very common in men.

I do chew sugar free gum as this helps to promote saliva and try and drink as much as I can of water. You may find spicy foods aggravate it so try and eat as blandly as you can. I find the more I stress about this the worst it is but trying not too can be hard. Distraction is good and it will go. I went through a bad patch about 4 years ago and it did settle after awhile .
I hope this has been of some use.

12-09-19, 17:25
Hi all. Hope this finds you well. I have already left one post here about dry mouth but got very little response. So thought I would make another posting on this.
I'm really having a hard time at the moment. This has been going on now since July this year.
So dry mouth. Very sore tongue as well as off and on gum pain. I have been twice to dentist and couple times to the doctor. Im a male, age 44. Dentist put it down to anxiety. Doctor..well they took blood sugar test, thyroid, B12 and Ferritin iron test. All came back ok.

Initially this started with the tip of my tongue getting sore when i talked. So the dry mouth begun to just get worse and worse. This whole thing sort of just became a monster. So day and night, dry mouth. Now my throat is very dry. And i get dry pain off and on in my nasal passages. Probably the worst is the oral pain. So aching, burning tongue. All likely from the lack of saliva. Had a very intense period a little over a month ago where waking up at weird times in the early hours with racing heart. Weak limbs etc. So clearly anxiety. Worst its ever been. But now I dont know whats feeding what. Nothing I have ever had has taken this long to go away. Im not so much thirsty as i was a month or 2 ago. Now just dry. But again its the pain that comes with it that is awful. I am super focused on it and that just makes things worse.

I guess I have such a hard time believeing that stress + anxiety could do this to a person. More over just wondering how long something like this can last for? I guess im just hoping ill wake up one morning and it will be gone. But its not going. I guess when something like this gets so bad it can take a while to resume. I do have saliva but considerably less. I know so because talking absolutey hurts so bad!

This has really got me thinking about Sjogren’s Syndrome and what if. I guess its predominantly females but. But yeah this has just consumed me! Been trying not to google but a little too late for that. Guess I am just so hoping this is only anxiety and not Sjogren’s. Have any of you had anything like this for + 2 months? I have noticed when i really bring myself to relax on certain days the saliva really flows. But not had a normal day now for + 2 months and like i mentioned speaking really hurts my tongue. So its affecting my social life and work too. Appreciate anyones thoughts. I am not taking any medications. Thank you!

12-09-19, 17:37
Have you read THIS? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Dry_mouth)

Positive thoughts

12-09-19, 17:49

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

12-09-19, 17:55
Thanks kindly for this =) Yes I had seen this.

12-09-19, 18:52
You're probably mouth breathing