View Full Version : this ha is ruining my life

21-09-07, 14:16
hi everone,
i have posted before, but things are getting out of control at the mo. I try to practise everything i've learnt from this site and cognitive therapy, but i've completely lost it again.

My HA is sooo powerfull it completely takes over my normal way of thought.
when ever me or a member of my family gets just one small symptom my mind goes into override, turns eveything into the worst disease in the world, I try not to google, cause i'm to scared!

I think it's not the sympton really it's me.
I have to take my seven year old son back to doctors today, he's had a urine infection, the doctor needs to see it's cleared up, however last week when he was complainig of sore willy, I couldn't see a Doctor so i saw a triage nurse, who dosen't know of my HA, anyway she started off this attack, by saying this is very, very, unusual in boys and that he may need to see a urologist, AHHH.
You just cant say things like that to me, full on panic attack. Been worring all week now, obviously i'm imagining the worst thins in the world. help lyn

21-09-07, 15:42
Your nurse is talking pants quite literally. My son too had complained of a sore willy and the words from my doc were...... 'This is very common' Why? Boys arent the most hygeinic of people, they have a wee, maynot clean themselves etc. When your son has a bath he needs to pull back everytime and clean, this isnt common for them to do without being told. It can get dirty underthere etc. Washing it in the bath is whats needed!!!!