View Full Version : Foamy urine

02-09-19, 15:40

So I just wanted to get some opinions. A couple of months ago I was really poorly with a stinking cold/high temperature etc. The day after I noticed that when I was peeing there were bubbles in it. Not normal bubbles but ones that lasted a long time and took ages to go. I stupidly googled and saw it can be a sign of protein but it did say that often this is due to dehydration/fever/pain killers etc. As I could tick all three of those things with the cold I didn't worry too much.

Since then I've noticed it a few more times and it normally happens during my period but stops after so I'm putting it down to that but I also noticed this morning when I got up it was really foamy.

Now yesterday I only drank two normal drinks as we were out during the day and last night I had a couple of large glasses of wine so again I am probably very dehydrated.

It only happened first thing and today I've made sure I'm drinking plenty and it's been fine.

I think my point is if it was due to a kidney problem or something serious would it be there all the time? I'm trying to rationalise it by thinking surely if it was anything it wouldn't just crop up during my period or at times when I know I've been dehydrated it would be happening day in day out.

I so wish I'd learn my lesson about googling things. This could be something that has been happening on and off for years but as we know with HA once you start focusing on it you can't think logically and convince yourself it's due to something major like kidney disease. I might add it did say Kidney disease normally comes with other symptoms which I don't have and I am going to the gym 4-5 times a week which I don't think I would be able to do if it was that but it's just that niggling doubt!

Any thoughts, apart from the obvious one - Stay away from Google!

02-09-19, 15:50
We have loads of posts about this just use the search facility and have a read - it may help rather than google.

02-09-19, 15:50
I've had this fear for as long as I can remember and googled the hell out of it which made it way, way worse! The thing that made me relax about it was a video I saw on YouTube showing a guy with kidney issues and the foam was half way up the bowl. In the comments section, there were a lot of people clearly relieved by the video as they all had bubbly/foamy pee at some point and saw exactly what it was to have kidney issues (nothing like we have I'm sure of it).

In the morning you will have extra bubbly pee as it's concentrated. Drink more water and you'll see that throughout the day, the bubbles will diminish a heck of a lot. I asked my doctor about it once (this was years ago) and he didn't seem bothered. I think if my kidneys were on their way out, I would have known about it by now.

Dehydration is the main culprit for bubbly urine. I asked my friend about this (who thought I have gone nuts!) and he said 'mine's always got bubbles in it, I chase them around the bowl'

Googling 'bubbly urine' brings up a stock photo of urine with bubbles and our brains make the link and see the headline 'kidney disease' and that's when the panic sets in.

I've been in the same boat as you for a while but finally calmed down about it now. I hope this helps you too? Any questions, give me a shout. :-)

02-09-19, 16:08
Not to be graphic, sometimes mine looks like beer. My kidneys are fine, just need to drink more water when I let it get darker than a pilsner. ;-)

03-09-19, 13:40
Thanks so much for the replies.

It does seem to happen on and off and I can go weeks between events so I guess it makes sense it's more likely to be dehydration! I think even my HA brain can accept that things like Kidney disease don't come and go. Very useful info though, thanks guys.

16-05-21, 03:56
If this helps you mentally then let me tell you... I have been experiencing foamy urine since 2016. Almost everyday. Sometimes it's clear but most of the time it's foamy. Sitting or hitting the sides of the toilet doesn't help. Last week I got my blood works done. Everything came back normal. So I guess it's normal to have foamy urine. But one thing is that drinking plenty of water throughout the day has turned my urine clear. But if you are worrying too much then the best solution is to get tested for your peace of mind. All the best.
Love. D.

12-12-23, 00:37
Hello my friend, I hope you are fine. Do you still have foam?