View Full Version : A Red Rash Behind My Knee? Any Idea?

03-09-19, 02:01
I noticed behind my left knee where it bends, that it was very itchy a few weeks back, and theirs a pinkish/red rash about the size of a 5 cent coin (European).

It's not been as itchy lately, but it is scaly to feel, and not really changed at all, but its still there.

Now, I remember when I was in my late teens early twenties (nearly 32 now), I had a rash behind my knees which they said was Eczema but this is only happening behind one knee and only happened in the last few weeks, and haven't had anything since that time all those years ago.

Should I be concerned about it being something else? I wear trousers all the time, it's been years since I've wore skirts or shorts of any kind even to bed, I wear pajama bottoms, so I don't know if its heat, or sweat or something?

Yeah, thought I'd ask.

04-09-19, 05:05
I had this same thing years ago, and it was eczema. Yes, it was only behind one knee. The doctor gave me a steroid cream, and I haven't had it back there since. I've also had it turn up on one eyelid for a week. It comes and goes, and can be gone for years, then turn up in a tiny spot for a brief while.

04-09-19, 07:33
It could be excema it’s a common place to get it. My daughter and partner have it and she often gets it there. It’s often where you get hot.
You could see your doctor and get a steroid cream which will clear it up in no time. Or buy something like oilatum or E45 anti itch cream.

01-10-19, 22:38
Hi Scass, so sorry I never replied and it's been so long. Had a rough month to say the least! Mum was in hospital (thankfully it wasn't serious, she had a trapped nerve in her back and is on the mend but was very scary!), and then my dad got a bad back, and house got infested with fleas somehow, so it's been a nightmare cleaning everyday, our car broke and had to get it repaired, so nearly a grand was spent this month on several things, so its been very stressful and my shoulder blade pain is at me again, and I started get a jabbing pain in between my breasts which I keep thinking is a heart attack or something, but not sure if it's related to my shoulder blade pain as that's on the left.

I'm a bit of a wreck to be honest, was doing really well and then a multitude of things started to happen and all at once too! So, I'm stressed and worried this chest pain is a heart attack, don't know why I'm thinking of that but it's playing on my mind and getting me very anxious and panicky.

Sorry I didn't get back earlier, I honestly couldn't think right, and forgot to even check for any replies. Hope you are well though!!

03-10-19, 07:31
Oh I thought (hoped) you’d been quiet because you were doing really well!
Hope your parents are on the mend.
Fleas are determined little pests aren’t they!

04-10-19, 02:52
I know, just a case of a lot of things on top of things building up. They are indeed. but getting there with them though.