View Full Version : Anxiety related injuries

03-09-19, 16:48
Has anyone ever caused themselves injury before through stress and anxiety? This is an actual query. I worked myself up recently and ever since have had tendonitis pain which comes and goes in both my forearms. It is most probably caused by keyboard use at work and working out but no doubt anxiety exacerbated the injuries and it seems like I have tennis elbow type pains in both arms. I'm not particularly worried about it as I now believe this is the cause and nothing sinister however just curious if this has happened to anybody else?

07-09-19, 13:40
I’m not sure if injury but I do constantly cause myself pains from my own anxiousness. Tensing my jaw and causing toothache and things as well as tensing when I walk causing leg aches.
I think it is to do with anxiety.

07-09-19, 15:15
Yeah this is similar to me. I got so anxious and tense and was carrying that tension in my arms causing tight muscles and then when doing vigorous activities have clearly strained them.