View Full Version : Reflux and anxiety hell

04-09-19, 09:43
I've made a post on here about reflux a while back but I really feel like I'm struggling with it lately, like it will NEVER get better and that nothing is helping.

I seen a gastro doc last year and described that my symptoms were 98% controlled on the ppi meds, but the truth is I now dont think they are. I then seen another gastro doc a couple months back who said after two clear endoscopies (2010 and 2015) he is not keen to do another one as he feels it may fuel my anxiety. I then made another repeat appointment to see him a month back hoping he would scope me to put my mind at rest but he has refused. I explained that I get this mild burning/irritation like sensation behind my sternum and I am worried its reflux despite the ppi and that it is slowly damanging my gullet and will eventually get cancer and no one is doing anything about it. He explained about hypersensitive esophogus and how anxiety can heighten pain receptors and what im feeling may be just that, go away and try to deal with the anxiety and if you still feel the same then come back and see me. My problem is, I feel it will ALWAYS be this way, has been for months, it feels like a really bad flare up and just wish I could have the procedure and cure my worry if he really thinks it is nothing.

I know I have been sucked into the stream of negative thoughts, I've battled to get out a few times but this time I feel im all the way down and the current is too strong to get out on my own. Im currently seeing a psychologist about PTSD from my childhood, ive also recently left a toxic job and currently unemployed (ive never been in this situation) and it just feels like everything is feeding off one another and it's horrible!

I cant not think about my reflux, it's always there and I can always feel it. Can anyone relate or provide some insight?

04-09-19, 11:20
What steps have you taken to solve your anxiety? Sounds like the doc has told you that is the cause.

My understanding is the more you try not to think about something the more you think about it. So why not accept its there when you feel it and then carry on with your day?

I reckon you are in a vicious circle. You need to break the circle. You have been told it is ok so accept you are anxious.

Easier said than done though.