View Full Version : How to know when and when not to go to the doctor, especially without Google

04-09-19, 16:20
How do you guys decide when to go and when to stay home?

When I was younger, and in the throes of my serious episodes of HA, I would chew through doctors. I would go to one until I realized or felt he wasn't taking me seriously anymore, then go on to the next. I had 4 GPs in 10 years because of that from around age 25-35.

Fast forward to age 40 or so, and my anxiety was doing pretty well. Not perfect, but more or less managed. I decide unless I have real, and very obvious symptoms, I will just check the boxes on routine medical visits. I started to get an annual physical, and annual eye exam, skin check with the derm etc. That went pretty well while it lasted.

But another 8 years later, and I have heart valve issues, an aneurysm, and now, apparently, serious-ish skin issues in the form of what might be an aggressive form of Basal Cell. Not deadly, but it will require a pretty massive surgery and nose reconstruction etc. I am putting the cart before the horse there, but my derm is pretty suspicious of it, but biopsy won't be a for a couple weeks, so I will keep my fingers crossed until then. I went from an annual physical to having a "medical care team" according to MyChart. I feel like I am going to the doctor every other week for something. It is absolutely endless and exhausting and piled on with some non health issues I am dealing with (work, family etc).

Now, I have symptoms of other stuff, but some of them are known anxiety symptoms. I am resistant to go to the doctor yet again, but at the same time, I have had enough shots across my bow lately, I feel I cannot really ignore them either. But I don't want to fall into the trap of HA visits to the doctor all the time. I also refuse to Google, I don't have the peace I have managed to scrounge by googling. I have a set number of symptoms I was ordered by my cardiothoracic surgeon which are to send me immediately to the ER, no hesitation, due to potential aortic dissection. I am good with those. I have been to the ER once in two years because of them. Those clear cut symptoms are not at issue. But I have tons of other little things, which are very much starting to drag me towards the spiral.

I am trying so hard to stay positive and live for today, but life is just grinding me down lately, and I am feeling that depression more than the anxiety coming back. I am trying to stay ahead of it, but it is also becoming difficult, and fighting off looming depression ironically makes me a bit anxious. Add to that, my long time therapist retired last year.

For those with real medical issues, how do you balance the endless legitimate doctor visits with your HA? Do you have particular symptoms you watch for? Particular symptoms you are supposed to watch for? Do they send you spiraling, or do you recognize them as anxiety when they are anxiety?

04-09-19, 18:16
This is something i would like the answer to. Very hard as ha makes everything seem pretty real. Have you got someone you can ask? If you run it by them they can give you their advice.

04-09-19, 19:45
I would base my decision on red flag symptoms only. Other symptoms I sit out.

bin tenn
04-09-19, 20:32
I can't speak as someone with legitimate medical issues, but generally speaking I just don't go to the doctor for symptoms unless the symptoms simply don't go away. I've had an episode of afib before, apparently brought on by a horrific episode of reflux, so I'm a bit conscious of how my heart is beating. Even so, I also know that the majority of cardiac symptoms (e.g. palpitations, racing / pounding heart, etc) are common with anxiety - which I have a long history of, obviously. But yeah, I just try to be aware of how the afib episode felt, and I know what I need to do if it ever does happen again.

However, I've never been the type to run to the doctor repeatedly. I have landed in the ER a handful of times during panic attacks, but still not nearly as often as many others. I also go for my annual physical every year now. I was once terrified of that, until 2015 (hadn't had a physical in over a decade at that point), when fellow HA sufferers finally convinced me to suck it up and go. I did, and now I'm quite happy to do so. I also go for annual eye exams and regular dentist visits. That's the best any of us can do, preventive visits.I understand you have legitimate medical conditions which require more thorough attention, but otherwise I think maintaining your regular appointments is a great thing to do.