View Full Version : Holiday anxiety

05-09-19, 14:22
I am going on a family holiday next Saturday (14/09/19), down to New Romney in Kent. I know this sounds silly, but last time we went, I made it just past Bexhill, and the inevitable happened, about 35 minutes before, I could feel myself getting anxious and panicky, my hands and lips felt tingly, my legs were shaking and I had a cold sweat on. I had a handy bucket with me, because I knew I was going to throw up, I had my girlfriend sat next to me in the car. She held my hand and reassured me, but I felt like absolute rubbish. I am worried the same thing will happen again this time, and I'm not looking forward to it. How can I stop thinking about getting anxious and what can I do to take my mind off that feeling? I want to make it to Kent feeling good and not drained from the panic attack.

Any advice is welcomed along with any tips or tricks on how to deal with panic attacks :)

07-09-19, 12:06
Well a week to go .. hope you're feeling more positive about the trip to New Romney. But with anxiety ...you probably ain't ! That's the way it goes. I'd say you should just accept that you're going and yes you might throw up ... but so what ? Go prepared. Say to yourself 'Let it happen Mr Anxiety ... do your worse ...I've got my bucket and spade and when I'm down there I'm going to bury you.'
Of course we all know it won't magically disappear but try to challenge it a little bit and even take a little laugh at yourself.
Try a relaxing book/kindle . I love that area, especially Dungeness with all it's quirky little beach houses and a pint and fish & chips at The Britannia pub... I even like the Nuclear Power Station.
Here's a few reading suggestions. 'The Homing Instinct' by Andrew Benedict (kindle only I think) set mainly in Dungeness, New Romney areas and of course the 'The Tales of Dr Syn' by Russell Thorndike. There's a great you tube video called 'Be Brave' by Bryde - also filmed on Dungeness.
Hope you get there safe and sound.

08-09-19, 13:57
Thanks for the advice, I tried reading a couple of times, but it made me feel even worse. I feel alright when getting into the car, and I'm sat in the middle at the back, but I always get myself worked up about getting panicky. I always try to stay calm, but it is like a vicious circle. This time I will try and talk myself out of feeling anxious and face the panic head on. I am looking forward to the holiday and cant wait to get there. I will not let anxiety or a panic attack ruin the car trip down to Kent! I will have some mints to suck on and I will listen to some music. Bring the car journey on.

08-09-19, 14:38
maybe try some relaxation or Square breathing http://www.sweetescapeyoga.com/simple-stress-relief-wsquare-breathing/
It might help a bit. I did it on flight to Lanzarote and transfer couch as had the most awful anxiety attack ever.
looking back I m sort of proud of myself that I managed to do trip like that being agoraphobiac and on no meds at the moment.
Hope your trip goes ok and you will be able to enjoy it without feeling too anxious

13-09-19, 08:56
Only today to go and then tomorrow is the car trip down to Kent, I'm feeling a bit anxious at the moment, just thinking about the journey. I will stay calm and focus on my breathing, I will also be listening to music. I'm sure I will be fine, all this anxiety is in my mind and I will think of happy things and all the places we will be going on holiday.

13-09-19, 20:48
You'll be fine mate. If you feel yourself getting a little light headed with the shallow breathing that so many of us subconsciously do … then breathe slowly into a a4 sized brown envelope or even just your cupped hands, deep and slow, force that breath out slowly but firmly … not deep and fast !
And don't forget to try the fish & chips at The Britannia Inn near the Dungeness lighthouses... take it easy.

13-09-19, 20:55
… and remember … you're no different from thousands of others who get these 'ebeegeebies'. Just pretend we're coming with you, in the boot or on the roof rack !