View Full Version : Soft Lump Cheek

05-09-19, 16:43
Hi all,

i have had a lump type of thing on my right side of my cheek (can only feel it on the outside) since about January, possibly longer but this is when I first noticed it after having a cold.

i have no pain, I just know it’s there and it makes me so worried incase it’s something sinister! I went to the doctors a few months ago and he felt it and said this is just part of my jaw bone (which I felt so silly for even going to him for but you know how over thinking works).

could this actually be the case? I only feel it on my right side and not the left. It’s not grown in size at all, just the same. It feels quite soft. Anyone else had this before?

thank you!

05-09-19, 18:05
Even if it isn't part of your jaw bone and it has been the same size since Jamuary it is very unlikely to be anything sinister

05-09-19, 18:51
Hi all,

i have had a lump type of thing on my right side of my cheek (can only feel it on the outside) since about January, possibly longer but this is when I first noticed it after having a cold.

i have no pain, I just know it’s there and it makes me so worried incase it’s something sinister! I went to the doctors a few months ago and he felt it and said this is just part of my jaw bone (which I felt so silly for even going to him for but you know how over thinking works).

could this actually be the case? I only feel it on my right side and not the left. It’s not grown in size at all, just the same. It feels quite soft. Anyone else had this before?

thank you!

Yep I have one! If you check back over my posting history I’m sure I actually posted about it!

I got myself so worked up over it, in the end my doctor referred me for an ultrasound on it.... long and short it was nothing and I was told it was a harmless cyst and to leave it alone.

I have worn braces in the past and the consultant told me they could have aggravated or even biting your inner cheek can cause cysts to firm in the tissue.

I can only feel mine by rolling my fingers on the outside of my cheek too so sounds very similar to what you have 😃

05-09-19, 19:58
I've got a soft lump in my left check and it turned out to be just a fatty lump! I never noticed it until HA

06-09-19, 15:56
This makes me feel better. I keep worrying! I used to have braces actually!! I still wear a top retainer and I had a difficult wisdom tooth removal a couple of years ago, maybe it’s to do with that too... I have no idea but the doctor said it was my jaw!! My mind keeps telling me other things through. I do worry too much :(

06-09-19, 15:56
Hopefully that’s mine too! I’m so worried! All the doctor said was it’s my jaw. I only noticed in January:(

09-09-19, 13:15
I’m having such a bad few days with this worry. I keep thinking it’s something bad and have booked another doctors appointment but I don’t want to waste their time. I only feel the lump on my right side, can’t feel it on the left at all :(

11-09-19, 00:17
My doctor felt it, was a different person from January he said it doesn’t feel concerning but to check with the dentist when I go for my next check up but I’m still so worried. I thought I’d have been given an answer. I know in January he did say it was my jaw though. I wish I could stop this worrying. The positive is it’s not grown atleast...

11-09-19, 00:27
The positive is it’s not grown atleast...

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

That's all you need to know. That, and we're not made of smooth porcelain ;)

positive thoughts