View Full Version : Anyone get shaky inside from stress and panic

05-09-19, 18:58

Does any one get shaky like inside from anxiety and stress. Is this normal? I’ve had lots of bad stress in the last two years and all of a sudden culminated in me reducing my HRT and then bam felt really anxious, shaky inside and nervy. I’ve not been like this for years although always an anxious person. You convince yourself you’ve all sorts of health issues and then it spirals. Just wondered if anyone else is like this?

Heres hoping for happy thoughts soon and less anxiety!! Tia

05-09-19, 19:54
I think this is a pretty common anxiety symptom, I’m new to all this myself but I wake up every morning with some form of shaking/internal trembling/ weakness, some days I can shake it within 20 minutes others it’s with me for hours, today it’s been almost constant, it’s by far my most horrible symptom at the minute!

I’m suffering from health anxiety myself awaiting CBT so I am with you on the hoping for more happy thoughts and less anxiety VERY soon!


05-09-19, 22:40
It's a common link between stress and anxiety yes. I've noticed this too. Anxiety can come in all shapes and sizes. For me sometimes is health related (which I feel is more OCD tbh), other times it's a constant state of nervousness, and recently it's been full on panic attacks. And some times things are just fine. Less stress = less anxiety in my experience. Find some ways to de-stress. For me it's producing music, playing chess and more recently today I've found Pokemon :) Having oodles of fun. Distract the mind, it helps.

06-09-19, 08:42
Yes. Right now in fact. Not long out of bed and a poor nights rest where lying on my side caused sensations of nausea ! I know what this is … stress and an anxious reaction to it.
Some are saying that Angele Merkle's very public shaking episodes are stress related … could be. Horrible unsettling feeling but not as bad as the terminal illnesses (imaginary) that I have self
diagnosed in the last few weeks.

06-09-19, 09:32
The most common anxiety symptoms are felt in the stomach/gut area because of the large number of nerve endings.

08-09-19, 21:11
Yep I get horrible shakes, body feeling weak, sick to my tummy.