View Full Version : stomach cancer

06-09-19, 10:39
worried it is stomach or bowel canccer, becasue I was sick duing he night, looks like lots of brown/black slug much.

I thought up my water back up. last niugtht. and had plenty of runs

sounds more like a virus, as my mm had the same symptom the day before me.

06-09-19, 10:56
Definitely sounds like a virus, rest and take fluids as you can and when you’re ready just eat small amounts of bland foods to start with.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-09-19, 16:48
Thanks also worried I was sick a few times, than I may hav case dmaaged to my teeth, i did rinse with water

06-09-19, 17:16
People are sick all the time and don’t cause damage to their teeth. Just rest and let let your body get over the sickness bug.

06-09-19, 20:41
To damage your teeth from vomiting, you'd need to have a case of bulimia that went on for years! When you vomit blood, it's very clear that you've done so (I did it a few weeks back).

I'm sure you're fine

06-09-19, 20:58
I'm sorry that you're frightened , Phil but you are jumping to a worst case scenario here when you have a tummy bug which isn't nice but it will pass.

I hope you feel better soon.

PS Have those brothers at Lincoln joined Wednesday?

07-09-19, 08:29

not throw up in the last 24 hours, so hopefully no more brown water liquid coming up. and mixtures of food.

I was also scared of choking myself being sick

Also worried about because I pooped quite a lot my bits hurt so worried I got testicle cancer even though I been checked out lots of times, I know I got cysts down there, three

Not sure about the brothers yet from Lincoln

07-09-19, 15:55
My Mum started with it Wednesday with throwing up and runs, my Dad got runs yesterday

I am feeling a little bit better, but taking it easy the next couple of days, I got a job interview lined up, but still got my voluntary work to fall back on. the job is data entry for the police,

07-09-19, 18:05
Good luck for that interview, Phil. You'll be feeling a lot better by then. You've had a bug like your Mum and Dad-nasty but over relatively quickly.

Try not to let your HA get a grip especially when you have that interview coming up?

07-09-19, 18:37
Good luck for that interview, Phil. You'll be feeling a lot better by then. You've had a bug like your Mum and Dad-nasty but over relatively quickly.

Try not to let your HA get a grip especially when you have that interview coming up?

Thanks I was quite surprise to get a job interview, but must have met the minimum criteria with my disability, I have started my English level 1

07-09-19, 19:44
Good for you, Phil. I know how hard it is for you with your disability so a job interview is a great achievement! My son has ASD and recently lost his job which has affected him very badly.Give this interview your very best shot and good luck!

08-09-19, 09:02
Thanks and if it does not work out I can fall back on to the voluntary work, which is only a few hours per weeks,

09-09-19, 15:06
Well the pain has gone down from underneath where the epdidmiys bottom, thing it mainly the pain is from the bum because a lot of Thursday with pooping.

I have not thrown up since early Friday morning

I am trying not to believe these pains are testicle or prostate cancer

I must have been checked out for testicle cancer 20+ times

09-09-19, 15:15
I must have been checked out for testicle cancer 20+ times

We all have our guilty pleasures :noangel:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

09-09-19, 19:59
I just wish my nausea feeling goes away, I ate quite well Saturday, Sunday and Monday, light meals, plenty of water.

I feel the nausea feeling in my throat will make me feel sick. I don't think I have had food poisioning , have got a brain tumour

09-09-19, 21:00
It will go away, you’ve all had a virus by the sounds of it. Something like gastroenteritis probably. It’s very common, but can take a few days to feel back to normal.

09-09-19, 21:04
It will go away, you’ve all had a virus by the sounds of it. Something like gastroenteritis probably. It’s very common, but can take a few days to feel back to normal.

Thanks my niece of 9 months, brother in law, (his parents) my sister had it a few weeks ago.

12-09-19, 12:53
I also worried I have not been for a poop for a while, as I recover from the bug. maybe I am scared to go

Just been, I have been eating well the last few days,