View Full Version : Can you feel your lymph nodes?

07-09-19, 15:18
I had fears over my lymph nodes around 5 years ago. I had several skin infections around the time so believe that was the issue of mine. A lot of these went away but I believe some scarred as I can still feel them. Now I’ve not worried about these for years until now. I randomly started poking around in my neck and low and behold I found lots of new ones. I have about 5 in the right side of my neck, 4 in the left side and one in my groin. They’re all bean sized or under, in fact some feel smaller than a lentil, like a gritty feeling. The three that are bean sized are all long, thin and oval feeling. I have had no recent infections and can’t find reason for these. Are they still considered enlarged at this size? I am not overly thin but am slender; 5.3’ and weigh 50.9kg. I am considering paying for a private ultrasound. I am starting CBT again soon too so I’m hoping that’ll help with my anxiety. Can anyone else feel their neck ones all the time like this?