View Full Version : swelling of the feet and ankles

Granny Primark
21-09-07, 22:35
I dont suffer with health anxiety. Or at least i think I dont.
But for years at times ive suffered with swollen feet and ankles.
At times theyre quite hot and its painful to walk. At the moment thats exactly how theyre feeling.But this is the worst theyve been.
I never go the docs cus i think superdrug has tabs for everything lol.
Do i ignore them in the hope the swelling will work its way up to me bust lol.
Or do i see the doc?
I take 4 blood pressure tabs a day, just wondering if its the tabs i need to have changed.

Take care

21-09-07, 22:54
My mum gets this all the time and it can also be water retention.

How come you have 4 tabs a day - I am on one a day?

22-09-07, 00:41
Lynn it aint serious

Put yer feet up higher than your head or squeeze yer ankles and it will go

I get it all the time

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Granny Primark
22-09-07, 09:15
Gooness knows why i take that many bp tabs a day nic.
Over the last 23 years ive taken so many different tabs in order to stabilise my bp. Ive felt like a guinee pig for bp tabs!
We have a history of strokes in my family. My mum sisters died age 25 and 42 of strokes and my mum died just after her 60th birthday of a heart attack.
Heres a little story that will probably make you smile.
Every saturday I used to put a weeks supply of my bp tabs in a glass at the top of the glass cupboard next to the first aid box.One saurday last last year whilst I was upstairs change the quilt cover, I got a shout from my hubby downstairs. Hed gone into the kitchen not turned the light on, got a glass and poured fresh orange juice in it and drank it! (trust him to ruin me saturdays viewing of dancing on ice!)
Yes youve guessed it hed drank 28 bp tabs!
He later collapsed and had to be rushed in hospital. He woke to find he was wired up to heart monitors. He was very dazed and looked at the patches on him and asked the nurse why he had nicotine patches on him when hed never had a cigarette in his life!
I can laugh about it now but at the time I was a nervous wreck and ridden with guilt.
Believe it or not I used to work in nursing homes and give tablets out so I should have been more careful but Id been putting the tabs in the same glass and in the same place for years so I thought he was aware of this.
Anyway luckily he was fine.
I think the last few weeks ive been doing too much walking. My daughter thinks walking will bring her baby here quicker yet all its doing is wearing her mum out.
Ive got up this morning and although my feet and ankles are still swollen the redness and the burning have gone.
No doubt after walking round the local park and primark they will be as bad as before! lol

Take care