View Full Version : sudden bump on gums behind molar?

08-09-19, 16:55
i'm trying to nip my habits in the bud before i end up googling too much. i was eating cereal this morning and felt the gum behind my back molar hurt. its a pretty big space so i figured the cereal i was eating was irritating the gums until i felt over it with my tongue and felt this sudden bump there! it's small and looks like it has a clear almost yellowish center. it's not super hard but it's not squishy either, it just feels like it's full of pus (ugh!) and came so suddenly! it doesn't hurt unless i press down on it, and even then it doesn't really hurt, it just feels irritated. i know this because i didn't have this last night (most likely) and didn't feel anything before i had breakfast. i have wisdom teeth that haven't come in yet but i doubt it's that, and the little bit of googling i did do showed me it was an abscess, but most of those happen closer to the teeth while this is almost in the middle of the top of my bare gums behind my molar, so not really close to any teeth. the rest of what i found points to gum boils (which can be life threatening) or other very scary diseases and i'm trying really hard to not send myself through my usual hours of googling to see what this is.

right now i feel strangely calm about it but i know that once i leave it alone i'm going to start thinking of all the worst cases i can. ugh! on this note, does anyone know how i can get help in america? my anxiety has been hitting new lows recently and though i dont have health insurance i feel like i'm in a better place financially than i was a few years ago. i really want to look into seeking professional help but i dont know where to start especially considering i dont really have a doctor. sometimes it feels so hopeless especially when something new happens and i start going back to my old ways but i really do want to get better.

08-09-19, 23:39
I would imagine it's an absess rather than anything sinister. Especially as itbPpeared suddenly.

See your dentist asap as they can cause tooth loss if continues. Good luck

09-09-19, 19:44

Your symptoms sound incredibly similar to what I had roughly 2 years ago. It ultimately ended up being a gum abscess. Teeth have a weird way of getting rid of infection. The infection will create what's called a dental fistula which is small canal to help drain fluid. Sometimes fistulas, as in my case, aren't near the problematic tooth. I'd recommend scheduling an appointment with your dentist. This isn't something you want to wait and see on as these infections can cause you to loose the tooth like RadioGaga said. I'm not a doctor in any way and thus my recommendation to go see one.

Best of luck.