View Full Version : Someone please walk me off this ledge: hypoglycemia attacks at work

09-09-19, 01:27
Hello all,
I am at the peak of my anxiety at the moment. I am a healthy, 23 year old female. I was fairly active all my life until I got pregnant (my son is seven months) and gained a bunch of weight. I am now struggling to loose the weight because of anxiety and the urge to eat when I am anxious or depressed. I used to run to ease my anxiety, and do not do that anymore. My anxiety is always the worst at work. I have a fear of being in places I cannot escape and work is a great example of that. I can go to the bathroom sure but I work in a hospital and cannot leave my patients longer than five minutes. For the past few weeks I have been getting very hot. I am warm blooded but this is an all over feeling of warmth and I get sweaty. I feel like I’m going to pass out and get extremely nervous and jittery. It gets better if I eat a meal or drink a soda or something sugary. Well today was the worst it ever has been and I was dizzy and almost hit the floor. I hadn’t eaten anything all day and had three cups of coffee. It was relieved by food and orange juice but I have since been on edge and cannot sit still. Do I have a terrible disease or diabetes? What do I do to not have this happen at work, and honestly get over my fear OF work.
Thank you

09-09-19, 04:06
Seven months postpartum was the absolute climax of my postpartum anxiety and is also a crazy time for hormones. It's when a ton of my hair fell out (and that's common postpartum) so there is definitely something hormonal going on. What you're experiencing seems like a combination of hormones and anxiety. Also, not eating and just drinking tons of coffee won't help (I've been there!).

Have you spoken with anyone about the anxiety/depression? I started seeing a therapist when my daughter turned 1 after suffering for a year with postpartum anxiety and it was a lifesaver.

09-09-19, 06:00
I too have suffered from Hypoglycemia.
The best cure is some Low GI snacks throughout the day.
Dried fruit , nuts etc will help.
I used to buy packs of trail mix.