View Full Version : Morning anxiety

09-09-19, 08:13
I woke up this morning feeling a bit cold, shivery and anxious, my hands felt tingly and I was breathing faster than normal. I tried to relax my whole body, but it felt impossible, I started focussing on my breathing to prevent any further hyperventilation. As I sat on the sofa, I started to feel a bit more relaxed and just kept focussing on my breathing, I also listrn to an app called relaxio, which helps me to stay calm? How do you cope with a mini anxiety attack and what helps you to stay calm?
You can get relaxio from the Google play store.

09-09-19, 08:28
Depends how mini it is. If I'm just twitchy and I can feel my heart pounding, I generally deal by reminding myself it's just the anxiety and then getting on with whatever I need to be doing.

If it's worse, then abdominal breathing definitely helps, or engaging senses other than sight and hearing. I can lessen the effect of mild ones by using a portable fan, or if they're worse, burning incense can be really helpful.

09-09-19, 09:25
I start to feel a bit better, then my tummy starts feeling a bit poorly, and I feel tired but can't sleep because I always think it's going to make me feel worse. I also can't lay down, so I sit on the sofa and watch tv. Listening to relaxio does help, but I feel so tired and drained after being anxious.

09-09-19, 09:29
Me too. I work full-time, which is kind of a double-edged sword in that I really think it takes the edge off the anxiety but it's still much harder to work whilst anxious.

I've learned the hard way that the worse the panic attack, the longer the "hangover". However, I've found that ADs have really made it easier to bounce back - these days I can have quite a bad panic attack and still be ready to head out and do fun stuff the following morning.

09-09-19, 09:43
Morning/holiday anxiety are all the same thing, so it's best not to try and tackle them separately.

See this thread -


That's pretty much THE way to deal with anxiety. Yes it's hard, yes it's uncomfortable and yes....it may even be counter intuitive, but that's how to cure anxiety.

09-09-19, 10:50
I don't do anything to try and stop it i think because I have always had anxiety i am just used to it always being there,I have lived my whole life being uncomfortable it's just normal for me.