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View Full Version : Weird Anxiety symptom, or something else?

09-09-19, 10:43
Hi All,

So a couple of months ago, one evening, after a long walk, I kept getting a warm/burning sensation that occured randomly in my left calf/foot/sole (could never actually pinpoint). It was frequent but almost like a wave that came and went within seconds.

At the time I Googled it and came across blood clots and circulation problems. I panicked a bit, but tried my best not to think of it and it died down within a few days then disappeared completely.

Last night (After sitting on my desk chair for a few hours) it occurred maybe twice, I didn't really think much into it and tried to ignore it.
I've woke up this morning and it keeps happening if I turn my foot a certain way, the sole of my foot appears to be slightly sore, but can't feel it when my foot is in a normal position.

Has anyone else has this anxiety symptom?
I'm off work on Thursday and need to book a doctors appointment anyway so will mention it to him then. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a blood clot and it's not a circulation problem. Been doing really well with my anxiety lately, and I go on holiday next week so need to keep on top of it!

09-09-19, 10:47
All the muscles round there are connected - I get tight calf muscles, which one of the physiotherapists at my workplace explained can cause sole of foot pain.

This sort of thing can take forever to heal, so don't sweat it.

09-09-19, 11:08
Thanks for getting back to me.
The no panicking thing didn't last long.

Just realised my hands and feet are freezing, its 16 degrees outside. I'm in an office and everyone else is walking around in t shirts etc. Panicking about poor circulation.

Was doing so well. :(

09-09-19, 11:09
Anxiety can really throw your internal thermostat off, I've spent large chunks of the weekend boiling with the fan on while my husband looks at me in utter bafflement.