View Full Version : Weird Pain, Freaking Out

09-09-19, 19:42
Okay I haven’t submitted IN SO LONG. I’m so proud of myself but I really just need this community right now while I’m worried. You guys are so understanding and loving and helpful.

So, I’ve been gluten free and dairy free for months-besides a little treat here and there. Well, the past two weeks I’ve thrown my dietary restrictions out the window. Like since last weekend alone I’ve had beer battered fish tacos twice, chicken nuggets, lots of bread, cheese, garlic hummus, and fried food like French fries, etc. I’ve also had ice cream cones. I thought I could tolerate the hummus but I realized after the third day in a row that my belly bloats and is crampy like right after I eat it. Yesterday it was so bad, I was basically just laying in bed until I could get the gas out. Well last night I started getting these weird sharp knife like pinching pains under my belly bettor area. Def lower abdomen. They come and go and it’s only for like a second or two. I thought I had to poo just now but the urge went away and the pain is still coming and going.

Real nervous about extreme things. I won’t give them power so I won’t name them but I know you know. My husband seems to think it’s an ibs flare and constipation and I need to drink a ton of water and bland foods for awhile and get back on track. My tummy isn’t bloated anymore though so that’s good. It’s just this weird pinching pain.

I’ve been so triggered by things I’ve read online by happenstance and my brain latched on and I just need some clarity.

Oh, I also haven’t had a lot of water lately...like I try for 92oz a day. I think this week I’ve hit maybe 52oz MAYBE. Could not enough water be a cause too?

Thank you guys

09-09-19, 20:31
It probably is just an ibs flare. As I sit here dispensing wisdom ( but really I'm all at sea with my unpredictable belly related issues ! ) A 12 week side pain which I'm trying to accept is nothing more than a pulled oblique muscle has lead me down the path of numerous maladies all with fatal consequences! Last few days I though things were improving then today my tum became all over tender and
two trips to the small room were quite spectacular though hardly family viewing. I'm sure that we're both being tormented by anxiety levels which are causing our minds too race and our stomachs to rebel. Even as I sit here typing I'm getting repetitive cramps and pinches in my right abdomen area and I 'm thinking this glass of red wine I'm sipping … should I pour it down the sink ? … Nah !
Best wishes for calmer times :D

09-09-19, 21:34
A diet change can cause all sorts of symptoms, especially of your body is used to one diet and then you suddenly start giving it things that you totally cut out before. Definitely punds like you have an IBS flare up caused by the sudden change in diet.

I guess if you have ibs and you find a diet which suits you then stick to it (as you did)