View Full Version : Worried about lungs and digestive issues (pancreas?)

11-09-19, 20:49
Just when I think I am feeling okay some illness comes back and I start back with my cycle of worry.
Earlier this year in late Jan or early Feb I was having a lot of rib pain so the Dr did a CT scan of my chest/lungs. Came back all clear and Dr said I had coschondritis.

As of the last couple of weeks I started having upper abdominal (very high up just below ribs) in the center and to the left. It radiates straight through to my back in that are and then this weird burning pain in my upper left back just above my shoulder blade. I of course took to google and now have convinced myself that it is my pancreas and cancer from that has spread to my lungs.
Back in June I had a horrible cough that lasted almost two months. I think it may have been bronchitis.

Since then I do not have that extreme of a cough but I do cough more because I feel like I have phlegm (comes up when I cough)
I keep trying to tell myself that I had a clear CT early this year and if my horrible cough in June was cancer then my cough would be getting worse as opposed to better. Guess I am worried because it has not fully gone away and now I am having this upper abdominal and back pain.
Guess I just need a voice of reason to tell me that just because I am having this upper center and left stomach pain and the cough/back pain does not mean it is my pancreas and lungs.

I did have recent bloodwork on my pancreas and all levels were normal. Then I read you can have pancreatic cancer and it doesn't always show up as abnormal enzymes in the blood.

12-09-19, 19:08
Anybody else have this upper center slightly left abdominal pain that radiates to the back? I also have burning in my throat and sometimes like something is stuck there when I try to swallow.

12-09-19, 20:09
I don’t have that exactly but I have seen numerous posts from people who do.

Is it excruciatingly painful & uncomfortable or is it bearable?

12-09-19, 21:27
I don’t have that exactly but I have seen numerous posts from people who do.

Is it excruciatingly painful & uncomfortable or is it bearable?

It is bearable but almost constant. So it is a lot of pressure and dull ache and the pain that is in my upper left back literally feels like heartburn in my back! It is definitely not excruciating and sharp but it is still very painful.
I have noticed that when I eat it actually will feel a bit better for a very short time. Which I would think that eating would make it worse?

13-09-19, 17:21
Well sometimes heartburn can also include that hunger feeling.

I had gastritis and it would sometimes be just as bad when I ate as when I didn’t eat.

Have you tried anything like gaviscon?

16-06-20, 07:12
Hi rubiered,

this sounds like me. Did you ever find out what was causing it? Are you feeling better now?
