View Full Version : Leaking CSF?

12-09-19, 22:00
Ok so I think that either I’m having a freak out or I have something quite wrong with me. Earlier I had a watery nose a couple of times- not gallons but a trickle- and it was yellowish. Also looked like it was only out of one nostril. So I did the silly thing, I googled and now I’m having a worry that I’m losing cerebrospinal fluid.
My partner says I’m being ridiculous as I have had a bit of a sniffle/head cold and sinus pain but I can’t help but worry that I’m losing my brain fluid and I’m going to end up very ill or worse
Now, I’ve even tasted the fluid and it didn’t really taste of anything. Wasn’t hugely salty and when I sat with my head between my legs, it didn’t trickle out. I did have a little dribble earlier when I bent over though. This is evidence that it’s not csf. I also don’t really have a headache though my sinuses ache so maybe it’s just a bug?!
Of course, my anxious brain tells me otherwise and the what ifs are kicking in. I did have a huge panic attack and considered rushing to a and e. I’m calmer now but checking.
Anyone with any advice or can help me rationalise?

12-09-19, 22:16

There are a few lines in your post that should help ground you. "My partner says I'm being ridiculous as I have had a bit of a sniffle/head cold and sinus pain." This is your first indicator that it's nothing sinister. I've had plenty of colds that I thought were cancer and then I grounded myself in reality and realized that I was in fact being ridiculous. "I also don't really have a headache though my sinus ache so maybe it's just a bug?!" Here you are attempting to ground yourself. Keep going with the self talk and rational thinking. "My anxious brain tells me otherwise." Again, a very rational thought. You realize your brain is telling a false narrative.

You have the skills to ground yourself and realize you are doing OK. You went off course when you googled and now you allowed your brain to hijack your thinking and create a story that isn't remotely true. Flip the story and keep going down the rational path which you can certainly go down.

Best Wishes.

12-09-19, 22:24
Thanks Notdeadyet (love the username!). Im 75% sure this is just my anxiety playing tricks on me and I’m trying to give myself all the evidence against a csf leak. (I also had a bit of bloody snot, not doing it anymore, nose is now blocked etc)
I’ve been doing so well with the old HA recently so I’m a bit cross with myself about this. Thanks for helping me get some perspective!!

12-09-19, 22:52
Do not be cross with yourself. Recovery from HA isn't about never worrying again, it's about trying each day to work through it and become better. This is just a bump in the road and a learning bump at that. Now you know that googling when in a heightened state probably isn't the best idea. For the record, I'm 99% sure it's just your anxiety playing tricks on you. The 1% is to protect myself because I'm not a doctor. ;)

Best Wishes

15-09-19, 16:20
I am going through exactly the same thing right now. I leaned down to get something in my car last night and a thin clear fluid came literally pouring out of my nose. It completely freaked me out...so what did I do? I googled it, of course. Been panicking ever since. I have terrible allergy and sinus issues, now I'm completely panicking over this CSF thing. It stopped and when I came home I tilted my head the same way and it happened again. Not as much that time. Everytime I talk myself down, I start with the "what if's" again. This is horrible.

15-09-19, 23:54
[emoji112] hello...sorry you guys are going through a tough spot. I can tell you what high AND low csf feels like bc I have had both several years ago. (Diagnosed, not health anxiety). After having spinal taps at various times to drain excess csf off during a bout of IIH, I had a spinal fluid leak around the site of one of my spinal taps. It was the WORST headache I have ever experienced. I laid flat of my back in bed for days. It was so painful I dreaded standing up to go to the bathroom bc the pain would get even worse. Are you having symptoms such as this?

I am almost certain that if it were a csf leak you would feel this and MORE.

I hope this helps reassure you [emoji4] feel better soon

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16-09-19, 03:15
I'm so sorry you went through that. Thank you for your explanation.

16-09-19, 05:32
I'm so sorry you went through that. Thank you for your explanation.

Thank you watercolors. Just hoping to give you an idea of the things u would experience if it were, in fact, csf. I hope to ease ur mind with that. It helps my anxiety if I know what I would be experiencing if I had something, especially if my symptoms don’t match up. Hope u feel well soon.

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16-09-19, 08:56
I've also had what I thought was a CSF leak - even ended up in A&E because of it.

Last year in November, twice when I leant over in work, a splash of liquid came out of my nostril and landed on the floor - probably around a tablespoon. Of course I googled and found CSF, leading to massive panics which led me into A&E.

The doc didn't even test me, and just said this is 100% not CSF and for me to go and work on my anxiety.

I'm not sure why it happened, I didn't have a cold at the time and felt healthy. The only thing I can think of is I was playing football on a cold and misty night the day before so maybe the cold weather loosened a lot of mucous. Who knows.