View Full Version : Tests indicate possible IBD

Polar Bear
13-09-19, 12:39
I've been having stomach pains and loose stools for five or six weeks now and GP ordered some tests. Some protein found in stools and GP now referring me to Gastroenterologist so now need to wait for the hospital to contact me. GP said the protein is an indicator of IBD. Symptoms seem to be milder than they might be which is good. Had already started to change my diet as need to lose weight. I'm male and in my mid 60's

An tips please from anyone who has to manage these problems. I may be jumping the gun of course as not yet diagnosed but want to start understanding all of this better

Thanks in advance


21-09-19, 13:46
Just the common sense stuff, like avoiding greasy/spicy food, alcohol, and coffee. Those seem to trigger most people. Eat more fruits, veg, and low fat dairy. Yogurt helps some people, and is bad for others, so you'll have to do trial and error with that. I have more diarrhea than constipation, so dairy works well to bind me up. If you have more constipation, probably lay off the dairy. If you have low volume stools, eat more fiber like oats and apples to add bulk. Eat 4-5 times daily, instead of skipping breakfast and pigging out at lunch and dinner. The bigger the meal, the more it will stimulate your bowels. Make sure to keep your fluids up - dehydration will mess with everything down there. I've gotten to the point where yeah I know I could eat the bad stuff, but the 1-2 week flare up just isn't worth it.

Polar Bear
21-09-19, 18:29
Thanks for that marissav. My hydration is erratic at best so need to work on that. I know coffee and chocolate are two things that I get problems with but need to experiment to find others and change some of my eating habits . You make a good point about not being tempted by the bad stuff. Certainly the prospect of unexpected flare ups worries me.

Have an appointment at the hospital now but not until the end of October. Need to see how things go until then.