View Full Version : Stomach hurts to touch

14-09-19, 10:30
Last night before bed my stomach was aching after a bowel movement. It felt like I hadn't finished properly. I woke up in the night with stomach pain. It felt like trapped gas. I had a hot bath and drank warm water. I ended up doing a normal bowel movement but the stomach pain was still there. Over the next 2 hours I had bouts of diarrhoa and still the trapped wind feeling. It hurts above and below my belly button and lower abdomen. I feel like I need to pass wind but can't. My stomach is still hurting now when pressed. I've had 3 more mushy stools. My stomach feels full of gas but it's not passing. Could this be IBS or could it be something worse? Even walking my stomach hurts. I've had IBS for years but never pain like this.

15-09-19, 03:38

25-09-19, 06:53
Hi Amy
I have exactly the same thing. How are you doing now?

05-10-19, 21:21
Sorry only just seen this. I was in agony for 2 days and then I could finally pass gas and was OK. How are you now?