View Full Version : Sore throat on one side. ?

14-09-19, 16:52
I have had a sore throat on one side (my left) since
The beginning of Sept. what’s weird is it
Comes and goes and is accompanied by left ear tenderness. Weirdly it’s coming and going. Pretty randomly. Anybody know what this could be? I had an endoscopy last August. Of course I’m
Super worried. Ugh. Please help

14-09-19, 17:01
With all due respect, how can we help? What did your doctor say?

Positive thoughts

14-09-19, 17:47
It's post nasal drip, and possibly some fluid in your inner ear. I get this all the time. I usually take Sudafed and a nasal spray for it. Talk to your pharmacist about what you can take for it.

15-09-19, 15:10
Well you had an endoscopy late August which means it obviously isn’t anything serious like cancer because endoscopy is the gold standard test for detecting such things in the throat. Which leads me to wonder why you would be anxious about it if you have already had tests done excluding anything serious. Our bodies are not perfect. They act up sometimes and weird shit happens. I had the hiccups non-stop for three days once and have no idea why. Health anxiety makes it even worse because you’re both hyper vigilant and hyper aware which then combines to focus in on and amplify these weird sensations. It’s probably just your body reacting to something in your environment or a virus or something a long those lines and given time and lowered stress levels it will just go away like the literally other 99.9 percent sore throats