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22-09-07, 14:31
I had an awful panic attack as soon as I woke up today, usually I can control them quite well with breathing exercises, but this one went on for hours.
I felt like such a prat for worrying my boyfriend and kept aploagizing to him.
In the end he relcutently went to work, because I told him too.

The thing is, he spoke to my supervisor in work and told her the problem (she knows I am taking meds for this problem too) but I often get these attacks before I have to go to work. I am so scared I will lose my job because I have been phoning in so much saying I can't come in. Sometimes Im too scred to leave the house, let alone be in work..it really drags me down and makes me feel depressed and twitchy all day.

Does anyone know if I can be fired for panic attack issues?

22-09-07, 18:53
Uugh, sorry to hear that Mezzanine - hope you're feeling better now.

I really don't think you can be fired for having panic-attacks, or any illness for that matter.

But, it may be a good idea to ask your GP if you can take official sick leave rather than just phoning in each time?

That way you're following procedure whilst allowing yourself the time to rest and start thinking about tackling this. Also your GP may advise some temporary medication to help the immediate situation.

Hope this helps a little



22-09-07, 19:05
Thanks for the hug, it made me smile :)
I'm currently on medication, Citalopram and Temazepam to help me sleep..I will look into taking sick leave, hopefully I can afford to, as I've just recently moved out.

22-09-07, 19:10
Duh, forgive me mezzanine....this is a very DozyGroovyGranny here! lol!

Replied to your Introduction thread before this one and you do indeed state the meds you are on!:blush:

Glad the hug made you smile....so have another one! :hugs:


23-09-07, 02:27
Hugs :hugs:

That must be awul for you, I hope you get your work situation sorted x

24-09-07, 13:14
Well, I got listed down as AWOL in work, all because I didnt phone them 2 hours before. So looks like I'm going to get a diciplinary letter.
Could be worse I guess.