View Full Version : Brain tumour anxiety

15-09-19, 12:21
About a year ago I started having panic attacks after quitting smoking. Horrible ones where half my body felt numb and I thought I had a stroke.
Luckily they arent as bad now, at the same time I started my invisalign, and my teeth have moved a lot as they were really bad before, now there is a constant tension in my jaw and it feels like it's also in my head too ( I cant tell if it's just the jaw or the head as well) so with all this I have brain tumour worries (joy, at least it's different this time)
Mainly due to the constant pressure (not pain just slight pressure) I feel in my head, my girlfriend seems certain it's just the braces that caused it but still i keep panicking as were away for 2 months so i have to wait until November before i can go to the doctors anyway.
Anyone else get this worry too? :(

15-09-19, 15:19
Your girlfriend seems like a clever girl and I would listen to her if I was you. You literally have an identifiable trigger for your symptom so what exactly are you worrying about? I understand that two months is a long time to wait and that you are worried but take the advice that was given to me by my doctor many moons ago; “you have to start living in reality and not in your own head because it is only in your head that any of this exists yet it is negatively affecting your reality.” Paraphrasing a bit but you get the gist.

16-09-19, 00:07
Ahh brain tumors. My old friend.

30 years ago, I was a senior in high school at age 18. We lost a class mate to a rather aggressive and deadly brain tumor. I had never had HA before, but was always anxious. Within a few days of me hearing about him, I got a headache which lasted--without ceasation--3 months, until I had an MRI and it was normal. The headache went away that night.

The power of the mind to follow paths of suggested symptoms is simply incredible. The thought of brain tumors provoked a 3 month headache nothing could touch.

16-09-19, 17:14
I guess because I'm not sure if it is that that triggered it, also had some BFS that started a year ago so I guess the pressure and twitches has made me think the worst by now :/

16-09-19, 17:20
Oh wow that's awful! My exes father died last year from a brain tumour as well which is when I first ever had brain tumour HA, before it was all the other stuff Haha.

True I think sometimes it could be in my head but with the pressure from braces and having BFS the past year I sometimes think theres too many symptoms and make myself panic... probably making myself worse!

11-01-20, 05:01
I also have Invisalign but not the best about wearing them. About 3 weeks ago I’ve noticed pressure in my head, but also tenderness in my jaw. It just so happens that yesterday I had my annual dental exam and she noticed some wear on my molars and thinks my teeth shifted a bit whilst wearing the Invisalign and that’s what is causing the tension in my jaw and head. I’m still not convinced but since have been wearing them (as I should) and also especially at night as a “mouth guard” . I hope your symptoms have subsided and you’re feeling better!