View Full Version : Something wrong with Head/Brain?

15-09-19, 16:20
So this happened to me a few months ago and it basically went away. But this morning it happened again where I feel this type of dull pain on a certain spot on my head. Whenever I press down on this spot, I feel even more pain and lots more pressure. This time, it’s on the right side of my head to the center. However, a few months ago it was only in the middle. I’m not sure what this is and I’m scared it’s not something with my brain.
Anyone know what this could be?
Thank you.

15-09-19, 17:14
Well you're not going to be pushing hard enough to push through your skull and onto your brain are you?

It's muscle tension. There are thin muscles all across your head.

11-01-20, 05:04
Hi Matt- are you still dealing with this? I just posted about the same thing today. About 3 weeks ago I noticed feeling very “off”, then pressure in various areas of my head. About the last week I’ve had pressure on one spot of my head- like someone has their finger pressed into my scalp. When I put pressure on it it’s tender, and while it does shift around it seems to be on the crown of my head (slightly to the left). Curious if you still have this and what it was? Do you go to the chiro at all? I’ve been going and it does provide temporary relief. I hope you’re feeling better!