View Full Version : Worried About Brother - leukemia/lymphoma worry

16-09-19, 12:13
Hi all,

my brother is 14 years old.
we recently went for a long holiday (2 months) and all of us had fever plus cold there. All of us got better except him.

Doctors did urine test and blood tests (they took 5 samples). They did not find anything. The results came out normal.

They offered him an antibiotic today.

I am worried because:
- he gets night sweats
- he kinda lost his appetite
- he gets fever ONLY at night which goes away in the morning
- during that night fever he shivers a lot.

I am super worried. Please help me calm down. Did anyone went through anything similar?

16-09-19, 15:38
Viruses are wierd things. My son was basically sick for the better part of 5th grade. We would get recurring low grade fevers at night, glands on his neck were swollen. Naturally I assumed the worst. Twelve years later he is as strong as an ox, and as big as one too. Healthy, healthy guy. People's immune responses can vary widely.

16-09-19, 18:24
Glad to hear that your son turned out healthy. 😊 I hope it is just a virus. I am just super worried of losing a loved one to anything bad.

16-09-19, 20:30
i feel like crying so bad. he also sweats when the fever cools down. it only happens at night.

they did blood tests, urine test, x ray, physical test to look for swelling, etc. the only thing is lymphoma needs a bone marrow test. thats the thing they didnt do because cbc test came out normal. But in google it says cbc is not enough.

i am feeling pathetic.

16-09-19, 20:53
no experience in what symptoms your brother has, but I really hope he is going to be ok. Sending hugs & payers