View Full Version : Visual Aura but no headache

16-09-19, 18:16
I have never gotten a migraine before but a few months ago I got a strange visual sensation. It was like a jagged sparkly semi circle in the right corner of my eye. It affected both eyes at the same time and slowly disappeared. I checked online and it said it may have been a silent migraine that comes without a headache. I didn’t worry too much. However it came on again this Saturday. No headache. Just the sparkly semi circle that comes on slowly and then disappears. Should I go to the doc? Could this be serious? I’m so scared

16-09-19, 18:19
Really not serious, don't worry, I used to get several of these a week. My doctor didn't worry even when I got three in a day, so please don't stress?

16-09-19, 21:48
Thanks Blueiris. Was yours without a headache too? And did yours also affect both eyes? Were you able to get rid of it?

bin tenn
16-09-19, 22:55
Not sure how to get rid of it, but this is not uncommon to experience aura without a migraine.

17-09-19, 01:13
I get them every now and then with no headache.
I take a couple of paracetamol and they go away in about 30 mins.
My Dr also says they're not a problem.

17-09-19, 04:55
Probably 80 percent of mine were without a headache, yes, and both eyes were affected - that's how auras work. They're caused by an electrical disturbance in the brain, which is why you see them in both eyes.

Mine went away when I stopped drinking coffee, but everybody's triggers are different. Be observant, and chances are you'll notice a pattern sooner or later.

18-09-19, 00:59
I had these all last summer all with out headache. I started taking a supplement called Migra T and it went away. I had one so bad I couldn’t drive. B vitamins and magnesium are in the supplement I used. I was convinced it was something dreadful and it was just a deficiency. Now I’m on to my current health anxiety that’s not related to ocular migraines. We alway panic about something.

19-09-19, 01:23
I get these too. Not had one in a while thankfully, but they are horrible when they happen. I don't get the headache either, only ever had it once. The auras I've had several times and what you've described sounds pretty classic. I usually feel a bit wiped out after. As Iris said, people have different triggers. For me, I get them two days before a viral illness starts. Weird! My doctor has never been concerned about it. The only thing to keep in mind is whether you're taking any contraceptive pill, and if so your doc may want to consider changing it. I was swapped from combined pill to progesterone-only pill due to visual migraines.

19-09-19, 01:36
The trigger for me seems to be flashing light.
I often get it when driving and the sun is shining through roadside trees or from the reflection of a car in front.

19-09-19, 02:21
Thanks everyone! I’m sorry you all go through this strange experience. It’s so unsettling. However I am comforted in that many of you experience the same :)

19-09-19, 19:45
Don’t worry, these are visual migraines and nothing to be concerned about at all. I’ve had about 10 in my life starting in my teens up to my 40’s. They are scary at the time. I usually get a blind spot in both eyes with flickering edges that gradually disappears in about 15 minutes, but they are harmless.

20-09-19, 01:29
It's ocular migraine. I get this a lot and often no headache after just eye fatigue or strain. I have been to the doctor a few times and it is not dangerous. It happens more as you get older I read. I actually prefer it to a regular three day agonizing migraine.


19-10-19, 08:46
Don’t worry, these are visual migraines and nothing to be concerned about at all. I’ve had about 10 in my life starting in my teens up to my 40’s. They are scary at the time. I usually get a blind spot in both eyes with flickering edges that gradually disappears in about 15 minutes, but they are harmless.

Hi, Im so glad ive found someone who has described exactly what sounds like what ive been suffering from. There so scary when it happens, i suffer stress and anxiety but have been doing really well since having hypnotherapy, I tend to get these Visual auras in both eyes , it starts as a Small blind spot just off centre then go's across to the right with what looks like a jaggeded edge pattern or like looking through water if that makes sense? tends to last for 20 mins. I get them usually once a month :(

my vision is sensitive to light i find computer screens and moble phone screens can start mine off :(

19-10-19, 09:32
I’ve had ocular migraines or scintillating scotoma’s as my optician described them for around 8 years. I havent really noticed a trigger or pattern, but most have happened when using screens - laptop, ipads etc. I had one episode last week, but the one before that was xmas 2018. Ive had them happen more frequently in the past. Im not sure how many episodes Ive had, a dozen maybe??

Like Knickersinatwist said, mine also start with a blind spot. Most apparent when using screens. Then It develops into a flickering multicoloured light, which grows into a curved flickering light which gets bigger and bigger before disappearing out of my eyesight. Can last between 15 and 30mins.

20-10-19, 18:55
I had one the other week, terrifying! But the headache was not significant at all!

03-12-19, 13:26
I’m just recovering from my second concussion and just had my first ever ocular migraine. It really freaked me out. I don’t ever get headaches or migraines so I’m worried this concussion has unlocked something.

For those of you who have them triggered by screens (that’s when mine started), does it happen ever time you look at a screen or is it more that that’s the only thing that triggers it from time to time?
Reason I ask is because I work a lot with computers and quite frankly love watching tv and I don’t want to have to put up with these all the time.

03-12-19, 14:10
Hi I experienced something similar at the weekend, got up and withing a few minutes of getting up noticed the zig zag in lady eye, it only lasted about 5 mins but freaked me out! It may have been in the other eye a little bit as well. When I think about it think I've had something similar in the past but not so severe and only lasted a min or so. Put it down to eyes readjusting after sleeping but on reading this thread sounds more like a migraine. I did take migranes many years ago. Also read that red wine could bring it on and spookily I was drinking that the night before. It's reassuring to read other people experience something similar. Oh also got full eye check up at opticians and all clear on that front.

03-12-19, 14:19
Noticed my typo...not lady eye...meant left eye!!