View Full Version : New health worry

22-09-07, 21:07
I have a new health worry for the week which is dragging me down a bit, I am worried about getting breast cancer. Though I am 27 I still stress about getting it. I eat well, I exercise I b/f expressed for 3 months but don't think that counts. it's just one of things which has been on my mind. Sometimes I worry about not checking my breast in fear I find something. I have had previous scars in the past. There is no family history of it but that doesn't really count either now days. I just wish my silly fears would go away. I know no one can assure me if I get cancer or not I mean some people go through life unscathed by the disease and some don't.

Just my little rant! and to make things worse very time I go to gym I get this pulsating in my head. I know it's just my blood pressure and it's normal but if I could just get that into my head. Does anybody else have that experiance after a work out?

23-09-07, 11:50
hi janie, i have this worry too, i seem to have phases when i become pretty obsessed with it, and others when its not such a big worry. There is so much about it on the telly etc. that it is pretty hard to ignore. My mum died from it which is why i am so scared, but when it gets me down i do try and think about the people i know about (quite a lot of them) who have come through it fine. I know it sounds a bit weird, but i am comforted a lot by thinking about kylie, and how she is doing so well. Health anxiety can make you feel like you're the only person in the world who might get ill. When you think about others who have had to face a serious illness it makes you realise that even if you did get ill, you wouldnt be alone - hope that makes sense.

take care :hugs:


24-09-07, 09:08
Thanks Mag :) because your mom had breast cancer can't they test you for the gene or something like that? but I guess no amount of testing in the world would really stop anything happening. You really inspired me this morning, been having a bad time with sudden pains and all sorts. I am sure it's all in my brain lately!

Take care,


25-09-07, 13:04
thanks janie, i have discussed it with my doctor but my family history is not considered significant so they do not even recommend any earlier screening etc, although i think i will choose to pay for private mammograms etc. once i get to 40 just for my own peace of mind.

i am very lucky that i have a very understanding doctor who will not only check out any physical symptoms, she also has done a lot to help me with my health anxiety.

take care :hugs: