View Full Version : Out of breath feeling/ short of breath

17-09-19, 02:29
So this afternoon I noticed that I am experiencing some shortness of breath. I went running this afternoon and didn’t have my best run tbh. I noticed afterward some shortness of breath.

My anxiety has been horrible the past few days. So I don’t know if that is a cause.

Also there is a hotel behind my house and they are repaving their parking lot and there is a horrible asphalt smell all across my neighborhood.

Could it be a combination of both factors?

17-09-19, 04:37
They say anxiety can cause one to feel like they aren't getting enough oxygen...
I have been going through the same but I am getting short of breath a lot. I can't even hold a conversation without getting short of breath and it really scares me.

I don't know if yours is caused by anxiety or whatever they are working on near your home but I just wanted to let you know you weren't alone.

17-09-19, 09:04
It's almost always caused by muscle tension all over. The diaphragm is a muscle, and when you're tense you can't pull a full breath. I have actually been in hospital in the past 'knowing' I was suffocating, with blood oxygen at 99%.

It can also be due to OVER breathing, trying to compensate for a perceived lack of oxygen, especially when you breathe through your mouth. You're mildly hyperventilating all the time.

Asphalt smells are completely irrelevant.

17-09-19, 09:28
Anxiety caused horrible shortness of breath for me, I even started carrying around a pulse oximeter and measuring my oxygen! I always felt like I couldn’t breathe. I once asked a doctor how can I tell if shortness of breath is anxiety or real, and he clutched his chest and showed me and since that demonstration, I didn’t worry about shortness of breath again because it’s JUST a sensation and panicking will exacerbate it. Fact: if you can talk or swallow water, you can breathe. I was in the EAr once saying “I can’t breathe” and they assured me that nobody who can say that, is actually experiencing shortness of breath.

If if I get bouts of this sensation now I take a deep breath OUT. The inclination is to breathe in but taking in more air can make you feel worse. Breathing out activates the calming response in the body and you feel loads better when you exhale. I also hold my breath until I can’t anymore, and it reminds me that my body will never forget to breathe. If you can hold your breath, it means you have breath to hold!

When you stop fearing this SENSATION, it will bother you less, I promise :)

17-09-19, 16:26
So I tried the breathing out technique and it seemed to work. The breathlessness is coming and going today.
I ordered some L Theanine powder for my anxiety. I have heard good things about it.

It seems to get worse when I focus on it more.
Wish I didn’t have these anxiety issues.
On the outside I look normal but inside it’s a struggle.

The out of breath feeling is the worse. Fortunately I can still talk and drink water so I think I will be fine

19-09-19, 12:11
So I went running yesterday and felt unusually out of breath. I also had stomach cramps. When I got done, it took me longer to recover. I am thinking asthma but these symptoms have only appeared in the last week. I am keeping a dog for two weeks so I don’t know if it is allergies or exercised induced asthma

20-09-19, 15:32
So yesterday evening, I went running and tried something out to test my breathing. I ran half a mile as fast as I could go. I completed half a mile in 3:27 at 6:48 pace. When I stopped I felt winded but no more usual than I normally would at that pace. Its weird

If I had exercise induced asthma, I don't know If I would be able to do that. I was running super hard.

Today this breathlessness feeling has been coming and going. I sleep pretty well. I don't wake up in the middle of the night gasping my breath.
I don't think I have asthma but then again I am not sure.

22-09-19, 08:43
I would go to a doctor or urgent care to get this checked out just to have piece of mind.

22-09-19, 10:26
I would go to a doctor or urgent care to get this checked out just to have piece of mind.

I don't agree. Based on the OP's post history, fact it comes and goes and he's still able to exercise at an advanced pace without issue, paid reassurance is just a waste money and time. Treating the anxiety would treat the shortness of breath 'feeling' that can accompany highly stressed individuals.

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 22:43
I don't agree. Based on the OP's post history, fact it comes and goes and he's still able to exercise at an advanced pace without issue, paid reassurance is just a waste money and time. Treating the anxiety would treat the shortness of breath 'feeling' that can accompany highly stressed individuals.

Positive thoughts
True, since opcan exercise without having breathing issues.