View Full Version : Spinning Out

17-09-19, 10:49
So as you may well be aware from my other posts. I have recently had twitching in my finger and thumb of left hand. Went to the doctors last week. had a long list of bloods taken I think it was 10 or 11 tests. all were ok apart from the note against my blood count saying repeat in 6 weeks. I cannot get out of my head that I either have a blood cancer , bowel or stomach cancer or MS. I cannot think straight. also the last 7-8 weeks I have been very tired. I was stressed in work up until the end of July so don't really know what's going on with me. I just don't feel right. Also been thinking that I had 2 colds this summer which is unheard of for me 1 mid July & 1 end of August. Can all of this be stress related. Can stress effect your blood results?

17-09-19, 10:50
Stress can affect absolutely everything, and the longer you live with it, the worse the effects can be.

17-09-19, 10:55
Stress can kill you. It stands to reason that it can make you feel like crap. Your thought patterns are making it worse, and adding to the stress. We still have a bit of sun in the UK at the moment. Get out and enjoy nature for a bit. You have to find a way of breaking the mental cycle of worrying about imaginary worst case scenario's.

"Yeah but I read....."

I don't care what you read :shades:

17-09-19, 11:06
I have always worried and felt tired about my health. I assume that blood cancer would show up clearly in blood count and wouldn't be a 6 week wait. I had a clear CT colonoscopy in April. Which said no significant desease to solid organs on the report. So I'm hoping that my piles ( sorry to be horrid) bleeding 3 days before my blood test has caused the abnormality. Is that possible?

17-09-19, 11:10
Get out and enjoy nature for a bit. You have to find a way of breaking the mental cycle of worrying about imaginary worst case scenario's.


20-09-19, 13:16
Quick update - So went to the doctors to find out about my bloods today as no one could tell me. He then informs me that he hasn't reviewed and this is an automatic from the computer or screening centre. He reviewed results in front of me and it seems my Haemoglobin was 0.1 too low which he deemed acceptable. I had 1 test that was slightly high Bullinin or something like that but he said its nothing to worry about. Told me I don't need a re-test in 6 weeks following his review. I then asked next step for my twitching finger and thumb. He thinks its muscle fatigue as it appears after typing or playing sports when I have to grip I.E cricket or golf. I spoke about my anxiety and he is now sending the letter off for me to receive CBT. I'm hoping I can get some grip of reality back now so I'm going for a few pints after work in the sunshine. and I'm going to try stay off Google for the foreseeable future.

20-09-19, 13:53
That sounds like a positive step forward!

Positive thoughts

20-09-19, 14:58
As a side note, 'a few pints' isn't alway the best idea with anxiety. One, maybe...but not a few.

20-09-19, 20:56
As a side note, 'a few pints' isn't alway the best idea with anxiety. One, maybe...but not a few.

As much as I wanted to go out and celebrate my blood results. I had 4 pints and come home. I don't want to wake up in the morning with more anxiety. Have done well today, less self testing, less twitching, less tired.

23-09-19, 20:05
Well Friday I was in a great mood following my doctors appointment. Hardly any twitching all day. Saturday it then came back and then yesterday it was back. Today I've gone into a complete tailspin again it has been my index finger back of hand twitching previously but today it's my palm side basically moving my thumb. I've read that Als spreads by starting in 1 place and then onto another and so forth. I don't know what to do next.

23-09-19, 20:07
I don't know what to do next.

While you're waiting for your CBT referral to go through, why not download the FREE WORKBOOKS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) and do some self help?

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 20:52
While you're waiting for your CBT referral to go through, why not download the FREE WORKBOOKS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) and do some self help?

Positive thoughts

thanks will have a look. Why does my left hand now appear to be shrinking, it's defintely smaller than my right. Currently thinking I should go back to the doctors and ask for a neuro examination. Ask the tests the doctor done for strength a few weeks ago are much less than I've seen on Internet that they do.

23-09-19, 20:55
thanks will have a look. Why does my left hand now appear to be shrinking, it's defintely smaller than my right. Currently thinking I should go back to the doctors and ask for a neuro examination. Ask the tests the doctor done for strength a few weeks ago are much less than I've seen on Internet that they do.

They probably do less because you're passing the ones they've given you and feel no need to keep going. Please take a deep breath and ground yourself in reality. One of the things you can ground yourself in is the fact that your hand is not shrinking and that ALS does not move from one body part to another in the space of a weekend.

Best Wishes

23-09-19, 20:58
They probably do less because you're passing the ones they've given you and feel no need to keep going. Please take a deep breath and ground yourself in reality. One of the things you can ground yourself in is the fact that your hand is not shrinking and that ALS does not move from one body part to another in the space of a weekend.

Best Wishes

Unfortunately it's all my left hand. My twictching has been my index finger today has been index finger and thumb.

23-09-19, 21:16
thanks will have a look. Why does my left hand now appear to be shrinking, it's defintely smaller than my right.

We're not symmetrical and your perception is skewed by anxiety.

Positive thoughts

14-10-19, 14:29
OK so had my first cbt session where she believes my HA is a result of stress. Starting listening to some hypnosis stuff. Have my second cbt session Thai coming Friday. But not in a good way again.

Firstly the pain I have in my lower thumb / dorsal area. Feels like a tendon injury but it's also the area where I have perceived atrophy and twitching. Actually have pain when undoing bottle tops and turning keys etc. But I also have pain around my elbow area and shoulder now. To go with all of this I have fluttering twitches all over the shop. To the point where my other ha d was basically opening and closing fingers on Saturday on its own.

Spinning out again!

14-10-19, 14:34
Take a breath. All of this can be explained by stress.

14-10-19, 14:43
Want to go back to the doctors again. But just know he hasn't got a clue whats going on. It's just strange that I'm now getting pain all over the shop along with twitches everywhere. But this dorsal twitching only goes for a day and then it's back for another 2_3 weeks. Had some huge twitches in my other shoulder last week which sent me spiralling for a day

14-10-19, 19:00
Why are you refusing to accept that this is caused by anxiety, despite being told that over and over again by people who have experienced exactly the same thing as you?

Why are you re-repeating information over and over again?

15-10-19, 11:37
You have two lungs and a heartbeat learn too breath.

15-10-19, 11:51
While you're waiting for your CBT referral to go through, why not download the FREE WORKBOOKS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) and do some self help?

thanks will have a look.

So?.... Did you download and start reading yet?

Positive thoughts

15-10-19, 18:13
So?.... Did you download and start reading yet?

Positive thoughts

I did but I really struggle to stop my mind from wandering then other symptoms appear and it just rienforces my previous thoughts. Like my huge shoulder twitches when I lift my arm up.

16-10-19, 00:24
I did but.....

Yeah.... "But".... A word and sign (followed by more symptoms and negative affirming thoughts) you're deep in the rabbit hole. Sadly, it's a very familiar pattern here. I truly hope you find relief.

Positive thoughts

16-10-19, 14:23
Yeah.... "But".... A word and sign (followed by more symptoms and negative affirming thoughts) you're deep in the rabbit hole. Sadly, it's a very familiar pattern here. I truly hope you find relief.

Positive thoughts

I hope I'm deep in a hole. I'm going to have to go to the doctors and ask for a neuro referral I feel it's the only way out of this hole.

16-10-19, 14:28
What you have to ask yourself is whether a neurologist's opinion will convince you. It might be better to work on the anxiety instead.

16-10-19, 17:22
In addition I have just read my doctors referrel letter and it's fair to say he hasn't listened to a word I've said. He basically says it only happens once I've played sport. Which I never said what I said was it does seem to trigger it to make it worse. He thinks I've learnt some maladaptive behaviour what ever that is

18-10-19, 18:37
So just finished my 2nd session and it didn't go great. We sat and discussed a few things and she has advised me to see a doctor regarding the pain I get in my hand to allow for closure before we go further with the treatment. I explained that I had an arm muscle twitch last Saturday which ended up closing my fingers etc on my normally non effected hand. She didn't seem to think this was anxiety a related judging by her reaction which was " speak to the doctor". My anxiety is bad now after this appointment. I have the doctor tomorrow hopefully that can help.

31-10-19, 09:43
Still not solved....
Looks like I'll be changing therapists as she won't sign up to my insurance company details.
Seen hand specialist yesterday who has reffered me for a MRI of my hand to confirm I haven't torn anything that needs operating on, he thinks I've strained a ligament. Asked him about atrophy he didn't seem to concerned said my Thenar was comparable.
Still can't get ALS out of my head though because of the random twitching in my hand.

31-10-19, 15:18
Hi I don’t come on here very much anymore but have just read your post.I really do know where you are. i watched l/ listened for any response that I read as someone’s concern that something ‘really was’ going on. but that is all it is - your brain interpreting everything around you confirming your fears. I had multiple twitches at times and other symptoms. I never felt anyone had really listened and then panicked that I had omitted some vital information that would have led the doctor to an immediate dreadful diagnosis. I think your cat person was odd not tackling this bit straight away. that’s would he / should have done. I feel so much for you but anxiety does all this. it infiltrates your waking day ‘ takes you over and leads you to false conclusions that you are SURE are correct. Persevere with CBT . maybe even try another practitioner. Just don’t lose sight that anxiety is evil
Thinking of you

01-11-19, 09:15
Hi I don’t come on here very much anymore but have just read your post.I really do know where you are. i watched l/ listened for any response that I read as someone’s concern that something ‘really was’ going on. but that is all it is - your brain interpreting everything around you confirming your fears. I had multiple twitches at times and other symptoms. I never felt anyone had really listened and then panicked that I had omitted some vital information that would have led the doctor to an immediate dreadful diagnosis. I think your cat person was odd not tackling this bit straight away. that’s would he / should have done. I feel so much for you but anxiety does all this. it infiltrates your waking day ‘ takes you over and leads you to false conclusions that you are SURE are correct. Persevere with CBT . maybe even try another practitioner. Just don’t lose sight that anxiety is evil
Thinking of you

Thanks. I hope this is me you describe above. This anxiety and twitching is frightening me. The twitching on my hand wanes between moving my finger and then just a tiny barely able to see movement of the back of my hand. I'm convinced I have atrophy as my left interossei is definetly smaller than the other. And I also have pain when I lift things up or twist my hand which could be my ligaments struggling to hold my hand together.....

01-11-19, 09:19
I get that you're afraid, but if you look at it objectively, are these twitches really more than a minor annoyance? On a physical level, do they stop you doing anything you need to?

01-11-19, 09:47
I get that you're afraid, but if you look at it objectively, are these twitches really more than a minor annoyance? On a physical level, do they stop you doing anything you need to?

The pain in the same area does stop me doing things. I can’t undo a bottle top in certain positions, can’t play golf due to pain. And when I do play golf the twitches get far worse.

01-11-19, 09:50
That sounds as though it might be a muscle or a tendon issue. I don't play golf but I do suffer from golfer's elbow; bottle tops are mostly impossible for me, as is carrying any sort of weight at arm's length. It's annoying, but I've learned to accommodate.

01-11-19, 14:42
That sounds as though it might be a muscle or a tendon issue. I don't play golf but I do suffer from golfer's elbow; bottle tops are mostly impossible for me, as is carrying any sort of weight at arm's length. It's annoying, but I've learned to accommodate.

What I'm finding very scary is the tiny twitches to the dorsal muscle between my index finger and thumb. Everywhere you read that these indicate als because they are focal and cannot be felt. Is it just coincidence that this is the area I'm also getting hand pain. Is it my hand is actually weakened and that over compensating I've damaged it. I can't see how anxiety can create these tiny twitches as I don't even know how to contract this muscle.

01-11-19, 19:01
Really strange... Just went and changed a light fitting for a mate and now my finger and dorsal muscle is twitching like crazy.

06-11-19, 17:05
So just had my MRI and she seen high intensitys / white area. Where I have been complaining on pain and just above the twitching. God knows what that means