View Full Version : Sleep Vibrations????

17-09-19, 15:37
For the past couple of months, I have been randomly woken up with what feels like an earthquake or my cat scratching itself on the bed. However, when I sit up to look, the cat is sound asleep and then the vibrations stop. I feel it in my whole body, but sometimes just my legs. It doesn't happen every night, but it is the SCARIEST feeling... Am I have mini seizures during my sleep?? Is it anxiety? Neuro issue??

I am actually seeing a Neuro this week for an EMG, so I am going to mention it. But has anyone else experienced this? It's freaking me out.

17-09-19, 15:41
What are you getting the EMG for?

I get this too but I’m also thinking I have a neurological disease. But I looked it up and many, many anxiety sufferers experience this. It’s probably tension in your sleep. Like yesterday I fell asleep and had a whole body jerked like I was being electroshocked.

17-09-19, 15:42
It's a twitch, don't sweat it. Bodies do stuff, and this is a good thing because it proves you're not dead ;)

17-09-19, 15:56
I am having an EMG for 10 months of body wide twitching... Mostly facial, but other areas too. This sleep issue just started last month. It doesn't feel like a twitch, more like my body is vibrating or shaking. Feels like a seizure!

17-09-19, 15:59
Keep us updated on your EMG!

17-09-19, 17:34
When is your EMG?

17-09-19, 17:47
Thursday. Not looking forward to it- hear it’s very painful!!!

17-09-19, 17:48
Will you let us know the results?

17-09-19, 18:29
Yes, I will. I have slowly tried to ease myself away from my ALS fears considering it's been 10 months of twitching. I just hope there isn't something else wrong...Guess we'll know more Thursday.

17-09-19, 19:02
Do you also experience vibration when awake?

17-09-19, 19:42
Not really, just when asleep. And they go away as soon as I fully wake up and move. It’s very strange.

19-09-19, 17:26
I had my EMG and it was clear. Doctor says BFS. I am going to take his word for it and try to get on with my life...Twitching and all:yesyes:

19-09-19, 17:38
Great! Enjoy the relief!

Your symptoms are only twitching?

19-09-19, 18:24
Great! Enjoy the relief!

Your symptoms are only twitching?

Seymour the resutls were clear which is great. Please do not start using this thread to continue your obsession.