View Full Version : Irritation, Discomfort, and Urinary Issues

17-09-19, 16:05
Hello, I am having some symptoms that are starting to cause me some panic. I have an OBGYN appointment in a week, but am really starting to stress that there might be something seriously wrong.

Almost a month ago, I started getting some vaginal irritation. I thought it was from using pads because my period had just ended and I never usually use pads but I did this time. It went away when I went out of town, but came back when I returned. When it didn't go away fully in a couple weeks, I tried using a soap with aloe to wash it with. But then the next day, I started getting pain while urinating. I went to the urgent care. They didn't listen to anything I said about the irritation and they diagnosed me with a UTI and gave me antibiotics. I started to use them, but didn't see any improvement in the pain. Then they called me and said I didn't have a UTI. I started panicking and called my mom to talk to and she said she had actually been having pain too. And it was the exact same kind of pain, although she hadn't noticed any irritation. We went over our similarities and there were two, we had both gone to a cabin the weekend before my irritation started and the second one was that we both had bought a couple weeks before and were using the same body wash. We determined it was the body wash, and I immediately stopped using it and threw it out. That was two weeks ago. I started feeling better a few days later, but then I started getting irritation, then a week ago, my partner and I went out of town for the weekend, I started feeling a little better, then I got my period and I was feeling a lot better. Then my period ended, a few days ago, and the irritation came back. Not only that but I'm getting some discomfort when peeing and I have been having a vague feeling like I may or may not have to pee and I can't tell. I think I had that before some too. I don't understand why it's getting worse again and not going away. I feel like if it was the body wash, it would be better now.

Has anyone had this kind of experience? It's driving me crazy. Could stress cause it? I'm moving states in a four days, doing a 3 day road trip with my fiance and dogs and it has really heightened my anxiety.

18-09-19, 00:14
I will try to help a little: do you have any discharge at all? I am asking this because they called you from the doctor and said that you actually did not have UTI, but since you have urinary urge, and irritation ( is it itchy?), it may be yeast infection? It is probably nothing serious, do not panic, but you should just find out what it is. Only doctor can say though, especially if you never had yeast infection before. All the best to you

18-09-19, 13:58
Hi Lana, Thanks for writing back. I've noticed discharge, but it's a normal color and I think a normal amount. It's not itchy at all so I don't think it's a yeast infection. Yes, I'll be seeing an obgyn on Tuesday but it's getting hard to hold in the anxiety until then.

20-09-19, 01:32

It could be bacterial vaginosis which is a disruption of normal vag flora. Sometimes it presents with no symptoms in terms of discharge and odor but irritation is one of the symptoms. Getting your period could have swept things out for a bit but your ongoing stress could have brought it back. If it is BV it’s pretty easy to treat.

22-09-19, 09:01
Using soap on that area is a no no messes up the ph balance, try summers eve wash, and eating yogurt, I stopped having irritation when I started doing that, also don't douche and use laundry soap that is for sensitive skin, please let us know what Doc says.

23-09-19, 14:52
Thanks for writing back! I hope it's just that, although it does seem like it would be strange if my mom and I got it at the same time. Unless the body wash caused it.

23-09-19, 14:56
Hi Pkstracy, I don't usually ever use soap down there. I just used it to try to clear up the irritation. I don't douche either and I use the free and clear laundry detergent. I am pretty sensitive to things, but I've never had anything like this before. Going to the obgyn tomorrow, so hoping for an answer. It's mostly irritating me after I go to the bathroom now.

23-09-19, 22:39
Could be the soap and a utihope all goes well.

29-09-19, 14:41
Hi all,
I went to the obgyn she took a look and she tested for bacteria. Everyone liked normal and the sample came back negative for bacteria, so she said it's just irritation, which could have been from that body wash and prescribed me a steroid cream to use. It seems to be helping so far.

09-12-19, 19:04
Hey kanxiety, how are you feeling now?

I had that 2 years ago and been plagued with it every since! Very annoying but learnt to live with it now. Other problems have arisen though :(