View Full Version : Do any of you have insignificant triggers that throw you into major anxiety?

17-09-19, 17:39
I have been chugging along just fine until yesterday. I had a pretty large lunch, and was slow at work so decided to get my workout in during the workday instead of waiting until after 5 (we have a small gym at my office). My stomach was bloated from lunch and from taking imodium the day before; but I powered through my bench press, overhead press, and squats. I had just pounded out a set of squats and was going to do some calf raises, when I saw just a few stars. I had probably been breathing incorrectly, which is a big no no when doing compound lifts, which was exacerbated by my bloated stomach which didn't allow me to take a full breath, so it wasn't a big issue but it threw me into a huge panic. 3 minutes later I'm fearing I'm going to pass out, taking my o2 saturation level, blood pressure and pulse every two seconds, and convinced my shoulder pain and leg weakness is from an imminent major health issue rather than the fact that I'd just lifted heavy weights for an hour. I've seen stars before during a heavy workout, it happens sometimes when you don't breathe correctly, I know this and it was even a minor issue, just a few stars, no dizziness or loss of vision or anything, but all the facts in the world don't seem to be able to knock me from the sensation of overwhelming panic.

Does anyone else have this? How do I get past it?

25-09-19, 16:15
Hi yes, most days sadly! I’ve been worried about my eyes since being referred for a field test result at the opticians last December. An ophthalmologist has since reviewed my eyes and is convinced it’s not glaucoma, but a simple effect of my shortsightedness he calls ‘tilted discs’. I’ve even had a follow up field test with nothing getting worse but the anxiety continues. My trigger is that, because I’ve become obsessed with my eyesight, I’ve noticed the ‘natural’ blind spot that everyone had in both eyes. Whenever I see that (because my nose gets in the way) I get a massive rush of Adrenalin, heat through my body and my brain goes into overdrive. There is no real logic behind it, since I’ve been told it’s a ‘natural thing’ and I can’t see it with both eyes focused anyway, but it causes panic in me nonetheless. I wouldn’t worry, it sounds like you know, like me, the real reason for the effect you’re experiencing, but you mind is recognising the effect as a fear based response and generating a physical reaction based on that. When I’ve been in a better place, I’ve been able to ignore the trigger, thus not getting the bodily reaction and recovering quicker. Try distracting yourself as soon as the thought occurs, focusing strongly on something else entirely, and deeply and move on as best you can

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25-09-19, 16:17
Migraine auras. Harmless, but every time I see anything that even vaguely looks like one I go into full-on terror mode.

Also when my husband tells me he's getting a cold and I secretly believe it's either pneumonia or lung cancer.