View Full Version : Breathing Issue

18-09-19, 12:04
So I've been having breathing related issues this past week which originally just started as a sharp pain in my left rib when breathing. Now I'm left with a sensation of shortness of breath, Ive been to the doctors twice this week and both times they have told me that my lungs etc sound fine. They done oxygen level check as well as stethoscope and blood pressure.

The symptoms I am having are: Need to take a deep breath every couple of minutes, constant yawning, diaphragm feeling knotted along with lump in throat and constant fixation on my breathing.

This issue has been constant with very little relief this week and it is constantly playing on my mind. I feel as if it has gotten worse since hearing about this new vaping disease as I have been vaping for 2 years now. I'm worried that I have some sort of Invisible lung or throat problem which is causing this. I have had no wheezing or coughing which is what makes this even stranger. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I thought it would be better by now but I can't stop thinking about it and all I can focus on is this.

18-09-19, 12:52
So I've been having breathing related issues this past week which originally just started as a sharp pain in my left rib when breathing. Now I'm left with a sensation of shortness of breath, Ive been to the doctors twice this week and both times they have told me that my lungs etc sound fine. They done oxygen level check as well as stethoscope and blood pressure.

The symptoms I am having are: Need to take a deep breath every couple of minutes, constant yawning, diaphragm feeling knotted along with lump in throat and constant fixation on my breathing.

This issue has been constant with very little relief this week and it is constantly playing on my mind. I feel as if it has gotten worse since hearing about this new vaping disease as I have been vaping for 2 years now. I'm worried that I have some sort of Invisible lung or throat problem which is causing this. I have had no wheezing or coughing which is what makes this even stranger. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I thought it would be better by now but I can't stop thinking about it and all I can focus on is this.

Focusing on it and worrying about it is what's causing it. It's very common with anxiety.

Your muscles are tense, and your diaphragm is a muscle. Furthermore, constantly trying to take a deep breath is hyperventilating and leaves you feeling more short of breath.

The best thing to do is slow your breathing down, and breath through your nose and ignore the imaginary sensation of shortness of breath.

19-09-19, 01:36

This honestly sounds like trapped gas/a little bit of indigestion to me. When I have acid reflux my diaphragm feels tight and my breathing can get "off" like you describe because of the gas. My ribs sometimes burn too because of it. Also, with anxiety we naturally are more in tune w/ our bodies.
Maybe try and stop vaping as much?

19-09-19, 16:55
Is it really possible for anxiety to cause the constant tightness breathing? I've never known my anxiety symptoms to be so constant, but the strange thing is that since this has started I haven't had the dizziness issues which I usually associate with my anxiety whatsoever. When I'm breathing through my nose everything just feels swollen/not as smooth.

20-09-19, 07:47
Yes it's possible. Constant levels of anxiety or stress effect every single system and process in the body. It's normal for symptoms to change and evolve.

You might find that the longer you breathe through your nose, the clearer your nose gets. Your body tries to adapt to what you're doing, but breathing through the mouth does promote hyperventilation.

20-09-19, 12:37
The doctor has prescribed me a 5 day course of "Prednisolone", after watching a few videos on the medication its got me quite worried about taking it because of the side effects.

22-09-19, 04:38
Hey so for what it’s worth I’m struggling with bouts of the same thing right now. I’m also a vaper of about 5 months now - finally kicked the cigarettes. I 100% believe it’s tied to the media sensationalism surrounding vaping. Last night I push mowed the yard and was fine. Tonight I did yoga and was fine. I have to believe if I was on deaths door with a lung disease neither of those would have been possible. I encourage you to read the CDC warning that mentions THC cartridges, and the part where they mention that they do not recommend those that quit smoking thru vaping nicotine. return to cigarettes. It seemed to help me get my mind straight. Regardless try doing physical activities that might get your mind off the breathlessness. I bet you’ll find you can breathe just fine. The mind is a powerful weapon. Just need to take away it’s ammo.

27-09-19, 19:48
I'm still having these problems and focusing on them 24/7, keep having to yawn/take deep breaths and my lung capacity just feels restricted even though it's not. I just feel short of breath almost constantly. What can you guys suggest?

27-09-19, 20:36
You're still focusing on it 24/7. Not a lot else to suggest really.

Have you stopped vaping yet?

02-10-19, 20:38
I have Stopped now mate yes. I've convinced myself I have a collapsed lung

02-10-19, 21:59
I dread to think of the lengths you went to in order to convince yourself of that!

Go back to your first post. The Doctor has listened to both lungs and checked your O2. This is something you're doing to yourself, we've all been there.