View Full Version : Do you get mouth ulcers when you are anxious?

18-09-19, 13:23
Just wondered if anyone else here experiences more frequent mouth ulcers when they are going through a rough patch with anxiety and do you notice you dont get as many when you arent stressed?

18-09-19, 15:19

I've never equated these to anxiety however this happens to me when I neglect to eat fruits and veggies. I tend to decrease my overall food intake when anxious and fruits and veggies are the first to go.

Best Wishes.

22-09-19, 19:30
I think mine are somewhat related (but not entirely) to stress levels. I will sometimes get them when I'm not stressed. But I get them way more often when I am stressed.

A few things have helped for me -- I use the toothpaste 'Squigle' and I use a Colgate mouthwash called "Peroxyl" or the mouthwash "Orajel". I get way less of them now than I did a few years ago when I wasn't using them. And the ones I get now tend to go away a lot faster.

23-09-19, 10:13
I definitely do. If I'm overly anxious for a period of time I don't sleep well and am generally run down, that's when I seem to get them x

23-09-19, 11:34
Yes, and my brother got them on the roof of his mouth and tongue when he was really stressed some years ago, very painful.

24-09-19, 17:25
Cheers guys.

24-09-19, 17:38
Just to chime in with some facts. Things like mouth ulcers, and especially the HSV virus (Type 1 & 2) are definitely triggered by stress and lack of sleep. For external sores, OTC remedies work pretty well and for inside ulcers and sores, a mixture of baking soda, salt and water really help. It's not unusual for them to take up to 2 weeks+ to heal.

Positive thoughts

24-09-19, 18:31
I have long suffered from canker sores, and it has always been worse when under stress for sure.

24-09-19, 20:29
You can get ulcers when you are rundown, probably caused by anxiety and stress.

26-09-19, 15:41
Yes! In fact I have one now. Luckily I like the taste of Bonjela! :)