View Full Version : Eastern Equine Encephalitis

18-09-19, 15:39
So over here in New England (and mostly Massachusetts in the USA) there is an outbreak of EEE in our mosquitos. Everyday the news agencies, papers, and websites are making it sound like the end of the world. I live and work in one of the counties affected and needless to say, I’m terrified. Every time I see a mosquito I think I’m basically on deaths door and any moving flying bug terrifies me.

I want to move but have no money. Can anyone offer reassurance. I’m sad knowing that it’s all so illogical.

18-09-19, 16:05
I was waiting for one of these posts. In fact, I commented on one of the news articles that the story will trigger hypochondriacs all over the US. With the average cases at around 7 per year in the US, it's ridiculously rare. At least you realize the irrationality in your thinking. Just use common sense. If you engage in outdoor activities, use a bug repellent.

Positive thoughts

18-09-19, 16:44
Thanks Fishmanpa. My fear is totally irrational... it’s just overwhelming with all the news coverage.

I’ve lived here for five years now and never even heard of EEE until last month. (And yet apparently this year is only worse than the last by a few cases) I suppose it’s just so scary because I keep hearing there is no cure and everyone either dies or comes out from it totally disabled. I can usually tell myself “you’re a healthy young guy” but in this case it’s just scary. Oh well.... I will keep enduring and trying to not obsess.

bin tenn
18-09-19, 16:55
Thanks Fishmanpa. My fear is totally irrational... it’s just overwhelming with all the news coverage.

I’ve lived here for five years now and never even heard of EEE until last month. (And yet apparently this year is only worse than the last by a few cases) I suppose it’s just so scary because I keep hearing there is no cure and everyone either dies or comes out from it totally disabled. I can usually tell myself “you’re a healthy young guy” but in this case it’s just scary. Oh well.... I will keep enduring and trying to not obsess.

What's overwhelming about the news coverage? I'm sure we all know the media often engage in fear mongering, but the problem is ultimately not the media, but your reaction to the media. The problem is an anxiety disorder or similar. If you didn't have that disorder, you wouldn't think twice about what stories crop up from the media.

18-09-19, 19:13
What's overwhelming about the news coverage? I'm sure we all know the media often engage in fear mongering, but the problem is ultimately not the media, but your reaction to the media. The problem is an anxiety disorder or similar. If you didn't have that disorder, you wouldn't think twice about what stories crop up from the media.

I suppose it’s that the town I live in is under the “critical” designation and so everyone is talking about it. The town is constantly communicating about how they are combating mosquitoes and how we should not be going outdoors from dusk till dawn and should cancel outdoor events. It’s a bit nerve racking for someone like myself.

18-09-19, 23:32
I swore off of the news years ago... my nerves can't handle the fearmongering.

You might want to consider it as well.

Could it happen? Yeah. Is it likely? Nope

19-09-19, 01:57
I have the same anxiety right now. I live in MI and just got 7 mosquito bites tonight. So, that’s great for my anxiety. But like others gave said, it’s very rare and apparently most ppl don’t even get sick at all. It’s very rare in devoted ppl to get the brain infection. Hoping for an early frost this year. ��