View Full Version : I had to laugh bp fear

18-09-19, 17:44
I teach high school and mg students have intellectual disabilities. Today one girl who had Down’s syndrome and a heart condition and weighs 300 lbs complained of chest pain and the nurse had to check her bp. Just seeing the dreaded monitor I could feel my chest tighten and I’m sure my bp shot up to about 180. The girls pressure was fine. I had to Laugh because what else to do. I know I’ll never get over my terror of the machine and I never check as it will start a checking spiral. I was pleased I was able to cAlm myself somewhat and at least my pulse is now an excellent 60 bpm.

18-09-19, 19:18
I know exactly how you feel Weasley, I'm the same.
I try to avoid the doctors, because as soon as they mention that machine or its in sight it's like a big whoosh to me. I also get panicky when I see those defibrillators hanging up in public places. :(

19-09-19, 22:51
I know exactly how you feel Weasley, I'm the same.
I try to avoid the doctors, because as soon as they mention that machine or its in sight it's like a big whoosh to me. I also get panicky when I see those defibrillators hanging up in public places. :(

Defribulators luckily don’t scare me I actually have more cancer then heart attack fears. I’m just scared of the number and I know it will be high and yes I feel the whoosh. I am sure if he impossible to get an accurate reading on me. The minute I see a machine it goes up. What do you do at the doctors

19-09-19, 23:29
Well, I avoid going if I can. But it's best tell the GP that it might be high because you feel anxious at the thought of it. But don't talk when having it dine, that pushes it up and maybe think of something calm.

20-09-19, 14:37
Well, I avoid going if I can. But it's best tell the GP that it might be high because you feel anxious at the thought of it. But don't talk when having it dine, that pushes it up and maybe think of something calm.

Yes I do that. I have to govto my yearly ob gyn appointment soon to renew my birth control which I need for many reasons I’m 41 and unlikely to get pregnant but I take it manage other stuff. The dr knows I’m anxious the nurses’ make a fuss over bp I’m thinking of asking her not to tell me what it is

20-09-19, 15:36
Yes, but you secretly want to know what it is, but you don't. You only want to know if it is a good reading and if they don't tell you how bad it is, you'll worry yourself silly. That's what I am like.
In my experience there is a vast difference between doctors opinions on what they think is a safe zone.
The guideline is 100+ your age, but that doesn't ring true.
GPs want generally want you to have a reading equivalent to a teenager. Especially as you get older.
That's why you never see someone in a care home move quick.
Also, your makeup can change. My mum was on bp tablets for 50 years and then wanted to take her off them.
And my dad apparently should never have been on them.
It's all very confusing.

20-09-19, 16:17
Yes, but you secretly want to know what it is, but you don't. You only want to know if it is a good reading and if they don't tell you how bad it is, you'll worry yourself silly. That's what I am like.
In my experience there is a vast difference between doctors opinions on what they think is a safe zone.
The guideline is 100+ your age, but that doesn't ring true.
GPs want generally want you to have a reading equivalent to a teenager. Especially as you get older.
That's why you never see someone in a care home move quick.
Also, your makeup can change. My mum was on bp tablets for 50 years and then wanted to take her off them.
And my dad apparently should never have been on them.
It's all very confusing.

I’m like that too but as I know it will be high I think not knowing might be good. Here in USA not sure about UK they want under 120/80. I can go likd 170 or 180 top number bottom maybd 90 but if they retest it 3 to 5 min later it’s usually dropped 20 to 30 points
Or more. Once on three readings it dropped 40 points. My pulse is also 60 at home resting and 80 plus at dr once it was 140. No one in my family has had high bp. They did have cancer and other things. My bp was good and low until I developed health anxiety 4 years ago At 37. It used to be 90/60.

20-09-19, 17:05
Hypertension Weasley.
I'm the same as you.
For instancd, bp with the doc 165+
Used the machine in the reception minutes after, 135.
90bpm sounds too low to me.
As a rule the GPs like it to be around 120-130.
Saying that, the nurse who took my my mum's thought 120 was too high.
I also know a couple of people that have a constant 180 - 200 and live life to the full.
Like I said, it's very confusing. :shrug:

20-09-19, 17:23
Well you my favorite person saying that 180 to 200 thing. I know I have terrible terror around the machine and my obsessive nature makes self checking a no. I’d get a decent number recheck recheck etc. high better High better. After a run of High I smashed the machine. 3 years ago. Now I only check it at dr. Only my ob gyn understand the anxiety. Even if I was offered meds I’d refuse them because I’m convinced it’s anxiety my heart races at the machine.

I also agree 90 is low it’s just crazy I went from a life of low very low numbers to high with anxiety.

20-09-19, 18:05
That proves that anxiety is the culprit and its not a permanent state. It would be the equivalent of a short run.
I think what scares you and me is the doctors opinion of a higher than normal bp.
Let's face it, if it wasn't checked, you wouldn't be any the wiser just going about your daily routine.
I'm with you on the meds front. If it is hypertension, meds might not sit right on your more normal bp, whatever that is? :shrug:

20-09-19, 19:06
I couldn’t agree more you have made me feel soooooo much better

20-09-19, 19:45