View Full Version : I havent had a panic attak in weeks but..

23-09-07, 02:14
The past week I have been sitting watching tv or that and I can myself getting panicy, then I think god im gonna have a panic attack in a min then it gets worse, I can feel my heart beating real hard.

How do I stop this from happening? :weep:

23-09-07, 08:32
Hi sweetie

When you feel this happening please try this , Drop your shoulders , relax your body and allow your head relax too ,then place one hand on your tummy and take a deep breath in through your nose ensure as you breath in that your tummy rises then slowly release the breath again through your nose , pls do this for 5 Minutes or more ..

By doin this you will bring your anxiety levels down and STOP any impending panic attack , also afterwards distract yourself do something to stop yourself from monitering your heart beating or how you feel ..

good luck


23-09-07, 12:34
This seems to be happening to me too just now, whenever I'm chilling and feeling relaxed, infact just put up a post a bout it :P

Good advice Michelle think I will try that next time it happens, I usually just spring up and try and do something to take my mind off it.

take care x

23-09-07, 13:10
Can I just add, I was diagnosed with low blood pressure a few months ago, which can be related to anxiety.

Classic symptoms of low blood pressure include:
Dizziness, or feeling like you’re standing on a rocking boat
Changes in mental status (difficulty concentrating, confusion) or a sense of "impending doom" or anxiety
Changes in breathing patterns (fast, shallow breathing is common during an episode of low blood pressure)
Suddenly feeling cold or clammy, or a rapid onset of pale skin
Could it be that if you have low blood pressure, when you are totally relaxed and your blood pressure gets even lower so the sudden palpitations happen to increase the blood flow??!

23-09-07, 14:32
Hi Kittykate,

Good advice there from michelle and jammie.

Taking jammie's point, it may indeed be a good idea to get your BP checked. Mine is very low, and I get the 'thumpy chest' feeling, although not with palpitations.

When you feel the 'impending' pa really just try to relax and concentrate on not allowing it to get any further than this stage - even if you don't feel like it, make yourself do it.

This not only distracts your thoughts, but also gives a 'feel good' factor when you know you've just not allowed a pa to gain a foothold.

By the way, I know it was a while ago, but how did your job interview go? If you posted all about it and I missed it then I'm sorry!

big hugs


27-09-07, 19:21
Michelle thanks! I will try and do that the next time it happens, I have been ok this week touch wood.

I've not had my blood pressure checked in a while, I'll ask him to do it when I go for my repeat meds.

Hi GG, no the interview didnt go too well, I get so nervous I start stuttering and my mind goes blank! lol But thanks for asking :hugs: x