View Full Version : going into hospital

23-09-07, 09:00
Hi there all
Im going into hospital 2 weeks tomorrow for an op and im really nervous about going. Went for my pre op this week that was nerve racking itself especially as the nurse couldnt get my blood and another one had to do it. Ive got a slight cough (due to smoking probably) not all the time so im worrying about that too in case they wont do the op. Ive then got to have 3 months of work but im looking forward to the rest and having some me time when the kids are at school. Sorry for rambling on.
Take care all

23-09-07, 09:30

anticipatory anx is hellish hun, but I am sure you will get through this without major ado. Think about what an achievement it will be too!
I too am due to go into hospital in a weeks time, well 8 days but only for a biopsy.
lets send each other positive vibes at the different times eh?:hugs:


23-09-07, 10:17
Hi Happyone
Thanks for your reply i will definately send positive vibes your way .
Take care
Anne xx

23-09-07, 14:07
Hi Anne:)

I will be thinking of you and feel free to ring or text me :hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

23-09-07, 14:40
Hi Anne Sending You Positive Vibes Also For Happy Send Some Back As Im Going Myself.............wish Yas The Best..........linda

23-09-07, 15:43
You know we are ususally much better arn't we once we get going - it's the waiting us lot don't do well.

All the best hun and we'll looking forward to hearing your progress as soon as you are home again.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-09-07, 18:17
Hi Anne

Im sending you lots and lots of positive vibes too hun! :hugs:

Let us know how things go wont you??


23-09-07, 22:04
Hope everything goes well :hugs:

anx xx