View Full Version : Dental nurse or surgeon

20-09-19, 14:50
Hi sorry im really jumpy if you have a root canal can the tooth still get infected ? im scared of getting sepsis from a bad top tooth a dentist gave me antibiotics i still felt a bit achy he didnt do a xray just said it was best to take the tooth out then changed his mind and packed it with antibiotics a temporary filling and didnt give me any antibiotics. Im terrified i csnt sleep , mu husband said now the root canal has been done it cant get infected ia he right ? Im scared because im worried its infected and i won't feel anything and the infection will spread to my brain or sepsis. Im so sorry if im babbling im just so scared. Please don't comment to worry me i cant take much more worry. Its not swollen or sore it was wednesday it was done .
Thankyou so much

20-09-19, 14:53
I dont have good teeth but im trying to focus on changing this, i brush really well and use antibacterial mouth wash twice a day.somebody mentioned infections from teeth spreading to the brain and sepsis and im terrified

20-09-19, 19:20

I'm sorry you're having a rough go with your anxiety. As someone who has had two root canals, three extractions, an apicoectomy (oral surgery), and an implant, I can promise you that this is absolutely not something to be losing sleep over. You're husband is correct that a root canal cleans out infection thus the reason why your dentist filled the tooth with antibiotics. Being sore for several days to a full week after a root canal is 100% normal and is not indicative of infection. Pain is part of the healing process. Additionally, an infection from a tooth turning into sepsis or a brain infection does not happen all at once. There would be a lot of symptoms beforehand. Seeing as how you are experiencing none of those symptoms, you can take a big, deep breath and allow your tooth to heal. I've never received antibiotics after a root canal because there is no need for them.

Best Wishes.

bin tenn
21-09-19, 01:49
Any untreated infection can potentially make its way into the bloodstream, leading to sepsis. That's why it's a good idea to clean wounds appropriately, seek medical (or dental) attention when you have signs of infection, etc. Simple preventive measures will (I'm not a medical professional, but this is how I understand it) reduce the already miniscule risk even further. Yes, it does happen (dental infection -> sepsis), but it's extremely rare.

If it helps, I've had two dental abscesses in the past that were never treated by a doctor or dentist. I was dumb and shouldn't have done that, but I still ultimately didn't end up with any further infection. It cleared up on its own. I would never recommend that approach, knowing what I know now, but my point still stands.

22-09-19, 02:26
As someone who has had two root canals, three extractions, an apicoectomy (oral surgery), and an implant

Oh man, we're almost tooth twins. I've had one root canal, three extractions, an apicoectomy, and half an implant (I got the bone graft but never went back for the other parts). I've never met anyone else who's had an apicoectomy - what a treat that one was!